This is an exciting day for Rodan and Fields. They are launching a brand new product and apparently the last time they launched a product it broke the internet. Haha! I hope you get to read my blog before the internet goes out. LOL!!! These pictures were taken earlier in the month and after looking at them, I am going to have to get the faux tanning lotion back out.
This is my “traveling in the car all day” look. This is what wore when I traveled to Charlotte, NC the day before we left to go to the Rodan and Fields convention. I hate to be uncomfortable as I travel, but I hate looking bad even more. Therefore, I try to be comfortable AND stylish and those are not two words that go together very often. Before I left I applied a couple layers of faux tanner on because I knew I was going to be out there with a lot of very young, beautiful, and tanned ladies. I look so much better with a tan.
I have on a laid back, very soft black t-shirt. I love graphic t-shirts even though there are some who say, women, my age shouldn’t wear one. Phooey on them. I think this one is cute even if it isn’t a hoodie and I don’t have my hair up. Lol! Here is how I styled it the last time. I think most of you will like this better.
How do you like my Kate Spade earrings? The color is a pale peach/pink so they are a little hard to see. This was a gift from my energizer bunny friend for reaching the first level in Rodan and Fields. I thought it was very thoughtful of her. ?
I carried my hot pink Vera Bradley leather Ella tote because it was Breast Cancer Awareness month. The pop of color looks great with the black and white of the outfit.
White jeans are a wardrobe staple even after Labor Day. Once upon a time, not too long ago, it was taboo to wear white after Labor Day. Now it is considered trendy to wear white any time of the year. I am wearing my Chanel espadrille shoes. These shoes were given to me by my sister, and they were given to her by a friend. Lol! These are comfortable but it is the style and color that I like. Gray and black will go with almost anything, and flat shoes are easier to wear than heels.
I didn’t wear a necklace today, but I did wear a couple bracelets. The two black bracelets are called By The Book. These have charms that hang from the that correspond with bible verses. They are really cute, and I love the gentle reminders through the day. The other brown bracelet is the Tylie and the Pray pendant. I like this combination and I wear this often.
I am super-duper excited about the launch of Lash Boost. I have been using it for about two weeks, at least when I remember, and I can’t wait to have longer and fuller looking lashes. My eyelashes and my eyebrows have gotten more sparse as I have gotten older. I tried to apply fake lashes and it was a disaster. I am not coordinated enough to apply them. Lol!
This is hump day and I am so ready for the weekend. The first of the month at work is hectic, so I could use a little relaxation. Today I am throwing out a frivolous item I am thankful for. The dishwasher, it is one of mankind’s greatest inventions. Lol! What is a frivolous item you are thankful for?
My frivolous item is my very expensive vent brush that I bought for my new haircut.
Adorable outfit, Tania. I’m loving the graphic tees. Being a writer, I love words and there are so many cute options out there now. You look amazing. Thank you for hosting the link up! – Amy
You are adorable! I love your hair!! I’ve been a follower for about 6 months now. I’ve “heard” you mention R&F several times now and have a question…your skin looks flawless in your pictures. Is all that a result of R&F or do you “touch up” your photos at all? If it’s all R&F, sign me up!!! lol 🙂
Really enjoy your blog and love your style. Keep it up!
It’s all R&F. Lol. All I do to my photos is lighten the exposure because I take the photos under my porch and there is no sunlight. I love how my face feels and how it has “brightened” my face.
Thanks for hosting the linkup!
I don’t think women our age are too old for cute tees! Phuey on the nay sayers! I think I look better with a tan too. I used to be a sun worshiper, but now it’s all about the self tanner for me. You are pretty and tanned in this pic! My frivolous item is my Keurig. I do love that sassy machine, whipping up my yummy coffees 😉
I really enjoy your fashion blog. I ordered Plunder jewelry a few days ago. You had posted that those who order in October will receive earrings (if you meet the $ amount). Do I need to do anything or do you already have my information? Looking forward to receiving my Plunder order…love the look and the faith inspired messages. Already thinking ahead to Christmas shopping!
I think I already have your earrings in the mail to you. I left my list at work, but if you don’t get them in a few days let me know. I know a lot of the other ladies have already been commenting that they have received theirs. I hope you like your order, be sure to let me know.
Longer lashes AND softer skin?? Sounds like a win all around, Tania!!!
You got that right Sheela 🙂
wow, this look is so cute!!
Thanks for hosting!
BFF just placed my order!!!
I just saw that you did. Looks like your daughter is also wanting something. ?
This is something I would wear over and over again
Life is just Rosie
Perfect as alway Tania! Where did you get the Tshirt? Love it! I too have trouble finding graphic shirts. Where do you find them?
I bought this at Peebles Dept store, I think they are a lot like Goodys if you have one of those. This was in the “workout” apparel area.
A great look, Tania. You are right-comfortable and stylish! Shoes are adorable. Also, your skin looks fabulous! I am grateful for ziplock bags and their many, many uses.
Linda, I almost spit my drink out of the computer. Ziplock bags, Hahaha!
I thought the same thing, but I guess they are nice to have! Lol
Cute shoes!!!
Very cute graphic tee and the bright pink bag looks perfect against the black and white. Super cute flats, too!
I LOVE this T-shirt! I also have tried to master the “half-tuck” like that with some tops any tips? Great look and very comfy – that is key when traveling, no doubt about it!
Loving those shoes Tania.
xx Yvonne
You’ve got the comfy chic look nailed and the pop of color is a brilliant touch. Love the outfit and thanks for hosting.
That’s a fabulous travel outfit! It looks fun, put together & comfortable!
Andrea’s Wellness Notes
Cute comfy outfit! I just love Plunder jewelry?
I am interested in both the Rodan and Fields and a a necklace from Plunder. Is the shipping crazy expensive to Canada? Do i sign in to your websites to order? Im technicalogially challenged! I love the T shirt and have been considering getting one. Now i definitely will. I checked out all the Fashion Flash sites and i like yours the best! So cudos to you! Your style feels just right to me! Not sure how you reply to these comments so i will see what happens. Have a blessed day.
Glenda, I sent you an email detailing some specifics. Thanks for commenting and following along with my craziness. ?
I think this is a great travelling outfit—still stylish yet casual.
I think you look great Tania—you don’t need any tanning lotion! It’s taken me years to embrace my white skin, but let me tell you—it’s easier than slathering on that stuff!!
Love everything about this outfit! I love graphic T-shirts but they are really hard to find these days. Wishing you a wonderful day!
Try Kohls, the Apt. 9 brand usually has a few different ones.
I am joining you with the colors. When I have to travel I always wear a jersey dress, easy to wear with comfortable shoes, not wrinkling, ideal! Great tee btw!
Your skin looks wonderful and I love the comfortable outfit. I am sucker for black and white. So classic. Mine would have to be my Kurig. I am so spoiled by a coffee maker you set and get up to your coffee fix. I remember my mom with a percolator that you had to wait on to perk. The sound of early morning as a child.
We get spoiled really fast, Connie! Those Kurig are great!
Love, love, love this outfit! I think I could wear white jeans everyday and just mix them with different tops, sweaters and blazers. Top to bottom, this just looks so young and fresh while staying classic. It also makes me want to use my self tanner again. Ha ha I’m always trying new brands and just curious which ones you favor because you are just glowing in this picture. As far as my frivolous item, it would have to be my Ozeri rechargeable corkscrew! Best $20 I’ve ever spent! ?? Happy Wednesday!
I love these tshirts but I can not find them anywhere. Do you order online or is there a store that you buy these at??
I loved the tshirt.
They are available in Etsy. Hope that helps.
I love you in black and white, it always looks so crisp and clean and that t shirt is great! My frivolous item that I couldn’t be without is my potato peeler. If I can’t use one for whatever reason, I take away half the potato with the peelings!!