This post may contain affiliate links which won’t change your price but will share some commission. As an Amazon Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases. Some products might be gifted from brands.

50 IS NOT OLD | LADY IN REDTonight is going to be a fast post. Those of you who have been following me for a while are probably giggling because you know I never end up with a fast post. I am long winded and will talk and talk about absolutely nothing. But, I promise today is going to be different because I had to stay late tonight at work to do end of the month. It doesn’t usually take that long but I had a visitor and we ended up laughing, talking, and possibly had a drink of wine while everything in the computer did its thing.50 IS NOT OLD | LADY IN REDJoe, on the other hand, ended up getting to eat pizza. For those who are in town, they know that getting to eat a pizza from Gino’s is not punishment. My daughter has tried to talk me into shipping her the pizza in dry ice so that she can eat it in Alaska. When she flies in and we go to pick her up at the airport we better have her a pizza and a large order of cheese breadsticks. Gino always knows when Ashleigh comes to town. Joe and I used to have a running tab at Gino’s and we would pay the bill once a month. Ashleigh and Joseph would take all the friends to Gino’s and put it on the tab. The kicker was that the friends were paying them for their bill. Yep, our kids learned at an early age how to scam their parents for money. Joe just said they were entrepreneurs. It took us a while to catch on, we just thought we had some really, really hungry kids. Lol!!!50 IS NOT OLD | LADY IN REDI didn’t get home to start on the blog until 9:00 p.m., so short and sweet is the process. Besides looking like I have really flat hair, I like this outfit. Joe and I were running late to church on Sunday so I quickly threw on this dress. The thing about a dress is that it is a complete outfit all in one piece. I knew it was supposed to be cold that day so I could add a jacket, etc. I wanted my jewelry to pop off the dress so I decided to go with pearls. 50 IS NOT OLD | LADY IN RED Look at this necklace! You can see how big the rhinestones are, they are spectacular! This necklace is called Paris. It is a very sturdy piece, but it is not heavy on your neck. I love how huge the pearls are. The earrings just match this necklace with a huge rhinestone and a huge pearl. They are called the Priscilla. I had a dog named Priscilla when I was young, but that is a story for another day. Lol! 50 IS NOT OLD | LADY IN RED My Emma Fox purse!!! This is one of my first loves. I swear I love Emma Fox purses and I can’t tell you why. I know they are extremely good quality, beautifully made, expensive but not outrageous, but so are a lot of purses. I just can’t put my finger on what is the difference but there is just SOMETHING about her purses. If you ever find yourself in the situation where you can buy her purse do yourself a favor and go ahead and buy it. Email me if you do. Lol!

50 IS NOT OLD | LADY IN RED Because it was still cold outside I didn’t want to wear open-toed shoes. The last time I wore this dress I wore hose with it. I was not a fan of the look so today I just went with my tried and true boots. With only a small amount of skin showing my legs were not too white. I used my sunless tanner just to see how it would look but I don’t want to waste it yet since my legs are mostly going to covered with pants. I did like the color of the sunless tanner though, it was very natural. I am going to be placing another order soon so let me know if you would like to try it.50 IS NOT OLD | LADY IN REDI bought this dress in Orlando at the White House Black Market outlet store. This was on the clearance rack, (I always check the clearance rack) for only 9.99. SCORE!!! I wasn’t sure how I would like the ribbed section around my middle. I wanted to show you how the dress looked with no jacket or belt.

50 IS NOT OLD | LADY IN REDNow we are left with my jacket. This is a velvet jacket by Izod that I picked up, still had the tags on it, at a thrift store. There are deals to be had everywhere but you usually have to put a little effort into the hunt. Isn’t that the same with life? You can skate by just doing the bare minimum but if you want more then you normally have to put the effort into attaining more.

50 IS NOT OLD | LADY IN REDI want to thank all of you who made Plunder purchases last month. It was my best month EVER! I love getting messages from ladies who tell me that they love their items! Because everyone loved the jewelry and everyone loved the discount I am once again going to be running that special again this month. EVERY purchase over $50.00 (excluding tax and shipping) will be getting a 15% off discount check from me. This month there may also be a few giveaways splattered throughout the month. It is Joe’s birthday month and I feel like celebrating!!! To place an order simply go to
Part of my 2017 goals is to grow my subscriber list on the blog. The numbers are really starting to go up and I had decided that when I hit 5000 subscribers I will be having a giveaway. I’m not that far off, so if you are not a subscriber PLEASE take the time to sign. Also, if you would like to share my posts on Facebook or Twitter, I would appreciate that. It helps get my blog out to more people, and I am sure you just want to spread the entertaining sayings I have. Lol!The comment section is at the end of the post, so keep scrolling. I look forward to reading all the comments, they make my day.

Be sure to follow me on PinterestBloglovin, Instagram, and Facebook.

Please be aware that links to vendors may be affiliate links. I do benefit from your purchases through the links on the blog.


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  1. Great dress Tania, and you did score on that price. I love finding things in a thrift store with the original price, I feel like I just won the Lotto or something!! LOL I ordered again from Plunder last night and I am really excited to get these in, I already have the outfit picked out to go with it.. I remember a Gino’s in NY, and loved their pizza.

    1. I love a deal!!! I love Plunder ? Now if looks like YOU live Plunder ?

  2. Such a great SCORE on the dress!!

    We have a neighborhood Mexican restuarant that is our Gino’s. There is no other chile con queso that even compares. And, it is something I had to take to my kids when they were in college and the first thing they wanted when they came home! Even our tailgate partners expect it! LOL

  3. Stephanie Gaylor says:

    Love this outfit. That dress is stunning on you. I wanted to let you know how much I like the sunless tanner I purchased through Rodan and Fields. We just returned home from visiting our son in Phoenix and I didn’t want my pale Ohio legs showing. The Sunless tanner was perfect. Went on easily and gave a nice natural color. Glad I ordered two and would highly recommend it

  4. Gorgeous look, love the whole thing and those pearls! If that is you with flat hair, I’ll take it any day!

  5. Fabulous outfit Tania and those pearls, swoon!!