The Top New Years Resolutions

It is that time of the year. The time when we look back on the past year, and at the same time, look forward to the coming year. Some people always make resolutions at the beginning of the year, and others just go with the flow. I was reading that 95% of all resolutions fail. That means that 5% make the cut. That is great! That just means we need to have a BUNCH of resolutions, and the odds that at least one will “stick” is pretty good. Here is a list of some of the top resolutions to help you with your selections.

Lose Weight/Eat Healthy – Yep, it is on my list, how about you? Start a food journal to help keep track of what you eat.

Get Fit – Yep, that on my list. I am starting slow and so should you.

Save Money/Pay Off Debt – Of course it is on my list. A really easy way to save money is to never spend a $1.00 or a $5.00 bill. At the end of each day, empty your 1’s and 5’s into drawer. They really add up at the end of the year. To pay off debt, make sure you pay the most money on the accounts that charge the most interest.

Religion – Yep! Go to church more, study more, pray more.

Quit Smoking – Nope, never have.

Quit Drinking – Nope.

Spend More Time With Family – Not on my list, but I would love to spend more time with loved ones.

Learn to Chill – Take a deep breath. Relax. Meditate. Live in the moment.

Get Organized – Oh my goodness, YES! There is nothing organized about me. I do hang my clothes in color order in my closet, but I don’t think that counts as organization.

Volunteer- Help others/Pay it Forward – There is lots you can do in this area. Hospitals, Nursing homes, Animal Shelters, and Organizations like GFWC Women’s Clubs.

How about resolutions that aren’t on the “main” list.

Recycle  more

Compliment a stranger

Call an elderly person

Walk more, drive less

Leave a big tip at a restaurant

Have more patience

Forgive someone

Call a friend you’ve lost contact with

Read more books

And the most important New Year’s Resolution of them all:

I will read the “50 is not old” blog everyday, and tell all my friends about it!!!

I know most of you thought you would see my New Year’s Eve outfit today. I did buy one, but I don’t know if I will go anywhere. But, if I do go out, here is what I will wear. If I don’t go out, here and here is what I will wear. Hahaha

I want to wish each of you a Happy New Year!!! Have fun and be safe. Don’t drink and drive.

I look forward to spending 2016 with you!!!









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  1. Happy New Year Tania!????

    1. Happy New Year, Melinda:)

  2. You are too funny, and I hope to see you in that Charlotte Russe lame dress!! Lol! I really enjoy your blog, sense of humor, and YES–your funky sensibility as you’re putting your rigs together. Your style inspires me to try new combinations, and I love seeing your vintage Bakelite pieces. Know that you have fans across all age groups ( at least my 40ish friends think you’re a hip fashionista) and please keep the inspirations coming!! Happy New Year! 🙂

    1. That’s great Sara! Stepping outside the comfort zone is hard. Way to go!!!

    2. Haha Michelle. It looks like the dress is staying in the closet tonight????

  3. Happy New Year! Thank you for your sweet and sincere spirit. I wore distressed jeans from Catos today for the first time. My husband loved them. Keep sharing with us

  4. I’m working on my New Year’s suggestions today. I know that weight loss will be in there. Love your blog posts. They put a smile on my face.

    1. Thanks so much, Terri????

  5. Love your blog and your style. I just read every post! I look forward to my new subscription and love that you shop stores like Cato & TJ Maxx rather than Kate Spade & Nordstrom. Not very realistic for most of us! I envy your ability to wear the cute patterned pants from Old Navy. I’m 5’9 and find these pants just aren’t proportioned right for me. I am going to look for more interesting pants though.

    1. Thanks Kim????. Keep trying the pants, and don’t be so critical of yourself. A lot of times I will wear something, that i don’t particularly like, and will receive compliments galore. We are our own worst critics.

    1. Happy New Year, Sandy????