50 IS NOT OLD | DO NOT WORRYDo you also struggle with worry? This has to be the hardest commandment for me to obey. When Jesus said, “Do Not Worry“, it was not a suggestion, it was a commandment! In Matthew 6:34 of the NIV, Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. This is Jesus’ words. It just gives me cold chills to think of him speaking these words.

I make all kinds of excuses for my worry. I can call it by another name, it is really just concern. Or I justify that the Lord wants me to do “my” part also, so I am just thinking of all the options I have. But, in truth, I am really telling the Lord that I don’t trust him to take care of me. I am saying to him that He needs my help.

Remember when we were children? What worries did we have? None until we started school, and we started to worry about making good test scores. As we grew older, then the worries of if we would be asked out on a date crept into our brains. Am I ever going to get married, have children, is this the right job for me, etc. And if you have children of your own, a whole new set of worries will creep into your thoughts.

The Lord has never let me down, not even once. That does not mean that I have not had trouble or struggles. It means that I can look back on those times and see the blessing that He bestowed upon me. I know that in the midst of the storms, I could not see that blessing, and I lost many hours of sleep with worry. WHY? Why did I put myself through needless pain? Did I change one thing by my worrying? You and I both know the answer is no. One of my BFF’s gave me a little window hanging, that said, “Worrying robs today of it’s happiness.” Isn’t that what the Lord said when he said “tomorrow will worry about itself?”

I know in this world we live in, it is hard not to be anxious about the troubles we see in the news. It is hard not to worry about our children, our jobs, our finances, our marriages, our health, our government, and our country. The upcoming elections are enough to make most of us put our head in our hands in despair. But for today, I am reciting a line from last weeks music video I uploaded. “Sometimes I’ve got to stop and remember that YOU’RE God, and “I” am NOT!”

Today I am uploading a wonderful song by Lauren Daigle, I Will Trust in You. This version has the lyrics, so read along with the words, and let go of the worry. HE in control!


Have a blessed day!

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  1. What a great Sunday message for us women that have the worry gene and what a great song.

  2. What a wonderful post. We were away so I’m playing catch-up.

    I’d like to recommend a book I’m reading for our Woman’s Retreat next month. I found it on Amazon and it’s called “Come With Me” by Suzanne Eller. It is encouraging us to walk into the deep with Jesus and really touching my life. I wanted to pass it along to anyone interested.

    Have a great week!

    1. Thank you Audrey. I have been looking for another book. I like it when it is recommended.

  3. Robin Anders says:

    * beautiful, and it was yesterday’s post, Sunday ??

  4. Robin Anders says:

    Tania, thank you for your brautiful post today. Just for the record, I too wear a dress to church. Southern upbringing I guess. I have a degenerative, unusual condition that I used to worry about all the time. I thought about all the time that consumed my life with worry, and decided to start living and giving God praise for all my good days, and little things, I think we often forget. Just this Thursdat I was in the ER for 13 hours, regular things, Ivs blood work, CAT scan, and then one of my fears a spinal tap. Actually it was 2 attempts by the ER doc, then one by the radiologist using X-rays for placement, so 3. When things like that make me worry, or get me nervous, I have just started singing, hymns and choruses in my head during the procedures. It is so calming for me. My fear goes away, focusing on Him. Thanks for this new song….I will learn it for sure. Robin

    1. I see how that could make you nervous. It would be un-nerving, but I am glad you have found a way to handle the stress. I too sing hymn in my head, and I swear the Lord puts some hymns in my head that I might not have sung since I was a child. I am thankful He is with me and contends for me daily.

  5. I found your blog through your fashion pins on pinterest and I must say – you are such a doll! Just absolutely Love your style and your thoughts. Wish I still lived in the South as I miss it so much but you’re giving me some sweet Southern Charm ~ thank you 🙂

    1. Does my southern accent come through in my writing? Lol!

  6. Love your Sunday blog. Love you in the color blue. Love Lauren Daigle. How can we not be inspired. Have a blessed week Tania.

  7. I loved the blog today. I worry about everything, which people say I am a “worry wart”. You are from Tn so you know that saying. Sometimes I know that I don’t appreciate what I have and what I have accomplished in my job. But right know I am having issues with my dating or I should say none dating life. I feel that at my age I should not have to be working about this. I am tired of being single. It’s been over 16 years and I am lonely. My job has become my job. I live with my daughter and her family for the past eight years. Sometimes I think I am just crazy. So yes I did enjoy your blog. Please keep up the good work.

  8. Kelly Blair says:

    I don’t post comments enough….but I wanted to tell you how much I love your blog AND especially your Sunday writings.

  9. SANDI ANDREWS says:

    Powerful message in that song, thank you sweet lady. Have a blessed and peaceful day.

  10. I love your Sunday posts. Please continue. I need to be reminded of Gods love for me especially when this times when I am feeling particularly friendless or alone, Thank you for this?

  11. Happy Sunday Tania,
    You hit the nail on the head today. While I’ve made great progress in living for the day and putting my trust in God’s plans for me, I still worry from time to time….more so lately for all the reasons you stated above. I’m playing the music right now and plan to upload it to my phone….last week’s music too. Vis a vis dressing for church, my church has a fabulous beach service from mid-June till early Sept. We move to the church if it rains but so far that has only happened once. I’m not a fan of 8:00 a.m. church but I’d bundle up and go all winter if it were offered. To me being out in nature and, in this case, on a quiet beach along the Long Island Sound is REAL CHURCH. As we gather I imagine how it might have been along the Sea of Galilee as people came to hear Jesus’s words. In any case, we don’t dress up…some have coverups on over swim suits, most of us wear shorts or linen pants rolled up or casual shift dresses. I put on only sunscreen and always wear a hat to protect my hair I didn’t even comb my hair (it is VERY short though). We’re coming to rejoice and be thankful and we know that God loves us, no matter how we are dressed. It will be hard to go back to inside church when fall rolls around. I appreciate your good humor and thoughtful Sunday words. XO

  12. This came along just when I needed it. I have been worrying nonstop about a major surgery coming up next week, and this song and message reminded me to just TRUST. Although I started following you for your fun fashion posts, I now look forward to your inspirational messages on Sunday!

  13. Glenda Braun says:

    So very true. Another favorite sayin “worry is interest paid on trouble”!! I agree that is a hard one and like you I give it other names but it is like of faith. We are all guilty of that. Thank you for the reminder. Don’t stop your Sunday post so look forward to them.

  14. Thanks for sharing the song, just what I needed to hear this morning. ?

  15. Thank you for those words of encouragement this morning, i also tend to worry about things I know I cannot change or have no control over. It solves nothing and does nothing but rob me of the joy and peace I could have by just trusting God. This is a fashion blog and that’s we we all follow you but there is a place for God in every area of our lives. I read a quote somewhere once and it said, You may be the only bible some people will ever know. That should make us all want to show who He is by the way we live. Have a bless Sunday

  16. Thanks for the great Sunday message today. Having 2 teenage daughters my worrying never stop, but your message helped put things into perspective.

  17. Thank you for the inspirational posts on Sundays. I read them everyday, but I slow down and take time to really absorb them on Sunday. I have come a long way in my ‘worrying’. But it’s so hard to let things go. I hope you have a great day!

  18. Thank You Tania, Just what I needed today.

  19. Thank you for this inspirational message.

  20. This message hits home to all of us I’m sure. Mother’s and grandmother’s pass this gene down from generation to generation I’m sure! It comes so naturally. Recently I saw a reminder of who is in control, I printed it, framed it, and have it on the windowsill by the kitchen sink to read daily.
    Good Morning,
    This is God. I will be taking care of all your problems today. I will not need your help. Go have a miraculous day.
    Hope this speaks to everyone.

    1. I have seen that before Doreen. I need to print me a copy and put it in every room in my house.

  21. Good morning to you, Tania. May God richly bless you today and always. I don’t know what led you to post this today but I thank you. After a sleepless night very upset over some developments in my life God spoke to me through you. I really can’t thank you enough.

    1. Mary Lu I am always amazed at how the Lord works. I am glad He gave you comfort today. I did the very same thing as you the other night, I hardly slept at all. The next morning when I opened my daily devotional, the first words were Do Not Worry. Isn’t God wonderful!!!

      1. He is wonderful and I thank you for your reply!

  22. Super nice message Tania and oh so true – worry – we will always find something to worry about whether we want to or not.
    Wishing you and your family a really lovely Sunday,
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. I hope you have a blessed Sunday also.

  23. Tania, when I first started reading your blog and your Sunday message I thought that it was not really ‘my thing’ and wasn’t sure what these posts were doing on a fashion blog. Well today, I was moved by your words, and the beautiful song. Time to pause and reflect. Thank you!

    1. I understand Lynn. When I first started blogging, I did not post on Sunday. Then I decided to post about what to wear to church, dresses, etc. But, I didn’t feel right by making money on sales, clicks, etc. from the post. I once again stopped posting on Sundays, then I was needing encouragement in my personal life. I started writing about it on Sundays, taking it as a day to encourage myself and hopefully others. You are not the first person to say that it is strange to see this type post on a mostly fashion blog, but I think almost everyone needs encouragement and inspiration. Thank you for following and taking the time to comment.

      1. Barbara Trechak says:

        I would like to see your post about what to wear to church. This is always a struggle for me. I have’t been to Church for awhile no for many reasons and I do miss it.
        Thank You Barbara

        1. Barbara, I always wear a dress to church. I was raised that way, and I cannot break that habit. However, there is a little bit of everything worn now. A lot of women wear slacks, and I have even seen jeans and shorts (younger crowd.) I guess it really shouldn’t matter what you wear, it is about going. When I went to a very large church in my younger days, I felt like some of the older women were judging me according to what I was wearing. That might not have been the case, but I never felt like I looked good enough. Then I realized that I was not going to impress them, I was going to worship the Lord. My attitude changed after that. So, wear what you like, and don’t worry what anyone else thinks.

          1. Julia Houston says:

            Tania, I agree with you. I too wear a dress to church because it was the way I was raised, but I do not care what others wear. My husband has made this comment–you should wear your best as you going to meet with the King. Your best could be a dress, jeans or whatever you have. Everyone has a different circumstance and their best may be different than mine.

      2. Yes I also wear a dress to church, “My Sunday Go to Meeting” clothes or “Your Sunday Best”!
        The thing we all need to remember is God looks at the inside and Man looks at the outside!
        The Inside is the most important!