A Little Spring In My Step

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50 Is No Old | Spring In My StepToday I have a little spring in my step. I am not jumping for joy, I am just thrilled to be wearing spring clothing. I probably own way more fall and winter items, but I am growing a little tired of them. There is only so much black and gray I can wear. I don’t cut black and gray completely out of my spring and summer looks, but I do embrace the brighter colors.50 Is No Old | Spring In My StepI know this outfit is a little bright, especially after the darker colors of fall and winter. But bright colors make me feel better. I did a little research on colors, and how they make you feel. Let’s start with what I am wearing today. Cobalt blue, or just blue in general, is usually considered a peaceful and tranquil color. It can help calm you, and experts suggest wearing blue to interviews. Blue shows loyalty.50 Is No Old | Spring In My StepHow about yellow? We automatically think of sunshine, or at least I do. While yellow is considered an optimistic color, some say that people in yellow rooms lose their tempers more often. (I need to repaint my daughter’s room) Yellow speeds up our metabolism, and it also increases concentration. That is why legal pads are yellow. That is your trivia for the day. You’re welcome!

And purple is mostly associated with the rich, or royalty. It exudes sophistication, luxury, and wealth, but is also considered romantic and feminine. The medallion necklace is one from Cato’s that I bought on the clearance rack last summer. It is different shades of purple and blue. I don’t know why I haven’t worn it before, I think it looks great with this vest. Here is a similar one for under 10.00.50 Is No Old | Spring In My StepI am so glad I finally got a pedicure! That is almost a summer MUST have. You can paint your own for just pennies. Nail polish is cheap. I have on a pair of yellow Michael Kors espadrilles that I bought 3 or 4 years ago on a trip to Tennessee. My daughter-in-law took me to a store that is like a Big Lots, but for clothing. I bought 3 or 4 pairs of shoes and probably didn’t pay over 10.00 a pair. Here and here are two similar pairs, and they are both very affordable. I didn’t link to the Prada pair I found. Haha

How cute is this cobalt blue tote? I bought it  before Christmas at Marshall’s for a whopping 13.99. Sometimes a small purchase can make a big statement. You don’t always have to spend a fortune to look great. Here is a cute similar one from Target that is reversible, and comes in several colors.
50 Is No Old | Spring In My StepThis yellow tunic is one that I have had for a couple of years. I bought it to match the scotch tape leggings. That is also the post where I told a story about the “gurls”, so if you haven’t read that and just thought I didn’t know how to spell, check it out. LOL! Because this tunic is long sleeved, it can easily work for three seasons. It might be a little warm for the middle of the summer, but it works for the rest of the seasons. Here is one that looks almost identical, and it comes in a wide variety of colors. I have on a retired Stella & Dot cuff called The Secret Garden, and a rose gold Fossil watch, that has a crystal bezel. Here is a similar watch, but the face is not brown like mine.50 Is No Old | Spring In My StepPlease ignore the electrical outlet in the picture. I am going to try to remember to see if I can at least put a cover over that, so it doesn’t show. Anyway, my jeans are from Old Navy. This has probably been one of my favorite pair of jeans since I bought them. They are highrise rockstar skinny jeans, with just a little bit of distressing. High rise, skinny, distressed, and raveled hem are all trends for the coming summer. You hit 4 trends in one pair of jeans. Hahaha 50 Is No Old | Spring In My StepThis is the scarf vest I have been wearing. To make the vest, you take a long rectangle scarf. I ironed mine first to take out all the wrinkles. Grab the opposite ends of the scarf and fold in half.50 Is No Old | Spring In My StepThis is what it looks like after it has been folded in half. It is now much easier to work with. Now, you take each end (where my hands are) and tie them in a small (as small as possible) knot. 50 Is No Old | Spring In My StepThe knot will be in the back at the top of your neck, so you don’t want a huge knot rubbing your back. After the knot is tied, then you pull the scarf open and you will see two “arm holes.”50 Is No Old | Spring In My StepThis is how the back would look. Put your arms through the holes and just play with how you want the flaps to hang. I thought this looked pretty cute, and it adds a new dimension to just wearing a scarf around your neck. A scarf is an inexpensive purchase that can change your out fit from meh, to yeah baby! Here, here, here, here, here, and here are several scarves that would look cute worn as a vest, all from target, and none over 15.00. 50 Is No Old | Spring In My StepSo this has been my kick-off to Spring. Bright and colorful, but still in jeans and long sleeves. I am going to have to go to the garage and hunt for my spring and summer shoes. I have put most of them away, and only have a few spring-ish type in the house.

Did I make you put on sunglasses? Was this to bright for you?

The comment section is at the end of the post, so keep scrolling. I look forward to reading all the comments, they make my day.

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  1. Allison Estes says:

    I just tried the scarf trick! I definitely will be wearing some of my scarfs like this. So cute. Thanks for all the inspirations.

  2. Lisa.reynolds@ats-virginia says:

    These colors rock my socks!!! I am also a fan of wearing a scarf as a vest!

  3. Susan Powell says:

    I love how you dress. I am getting great ideas from just looking at your posts. Thanks. As I’ve gotten older, I need more help with putting things together

  4. So excited to see you join us on the blog hop, Tania! Thanks for being here…have a wonderful weekend…enjoy all the colors of Spring!!

  5. Just shared this idea on creating a colorful vest from a scarf with another gal here in the office and we are both definitely going to try this RIGHT AWAY! With our weather being very mild for most of February and a high around 80 yesterday, we are already seeing quite a bit of Spring fashion. So ready for the change in wardrobe!

  6. I agree 50 is not old! I just turned 51..and into fashion way more than when I was young! I love your outfit! The colbalt blue with the mustard is lovely…I have made one of those vest scarves once, and then forgot how..ha! Thanks for sharing!


  7. I’m not sure where I found your blog – I think it was pinterest. I love it!!! I’ve pinned every one of your outfits. Several of my friends have seen my pins and commented on my hair looking like yours (yours looks fabulous by the way 🙂 Several years ago I decided my hair was going to be my personal priority (every 4 weeks) even though it was super expensive I made this commitment to myself and have stuck with it. I’ve now added doing my own nails – bought the supplies at Sally’s Beauty. Now I am trying to dress nicer and happened upon your posts. I’ve realized that my black, grey and more black wardrobe is not always flattering just because I’m older. I look forward to seeing what you post, and even though I haven’t bought anything (yet) I always check out the links to things like you have on. Keep up the good work!!!

  8. Love this ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  9. I love the bright colors you are wearing and cannot wait for spring to come. Unfortunately it started snowing again where I live in Germany. Maybe I should ignore the muddy weather outside and at least wear a bright colored jumper.
    Greetings from Kate!

  10. mwilkes@flo5.k12.sc.us says:

    Love everything about your outfit today ! Great Look !

  11. Tania, I am curious about the QVC outlet you frequent. I can only see the Pennsylvania locations on their website. I live only a few hours from you and would like to go there.

    1. This is not an “Official” outlet. QVC has overstocks and returned merchandise that they sell by the pallets. There are two of these type stores in my town.

  12. LOVE the colors and your necklace just matches perfectly! I too love spring & summer clothes because I love colors. A lot of people where I work wear boring black, grey, and brown all the time, but I definitely don’t. Happy colors make me happy! Thanks for the post!

  13. Karen Ward says:

    I love the scarf vest…super cute!!

  14. Oh my gosh, I had no idea your vest was a scarf! How creative & cute & unique! Will definitely try that; would love to make more use of my scarves. I also clicked on the link for the tunic. I didn’t get yellow, but it looks great on you. The entire outfit is so stylish. I don’t have much time or many places to shop, but we do at least have Target, Old Navy & Marshall’s. I will have to force myself to visit them more often. Thanks for sharing and I agree that your hair always looks great!

  15. I am so ready for warm weather, I too have more fall/winter clothes than spring/summer. Love the scarf idea, I like your haircut is it a long layered bob and would you post pics of the back and sides? Thank you!

  16. Thank you for the tutorial on the scarf. I love to be able to do something creative with things that I already own. Great idea and I haven’t seen it done. We are under a winter storm advisory so we are getting ready for 4-6 inches of snow with the forecast of snow on Thursday and Saturday. All this snow when we have had a great winter up until now. Oh well, I am headed to Florida in 2 weeks. Off to try that scarf technique! 🙂

  17. Sheree Ozier says:

    Love!!! this look! Can’t wait to bring out the Spring collection!
    Thanks for making my morning “happy”

  18. I just found your blog and love your style. I’m turning 50 this year and agree “50 is not old”. We are actually neighbors, I’m from WV not far from Southwest Virginia.

  19. I love that you showed how to make a vest out of a scarf. I first saw how to do this a couple of yrs ago, I went out and spent about $100.00 on scarves., haha! Wearing a scarf around my neck, here in south Texas is WAY too hot. So add some color and interest to my outfits. I’ve also belted the shirt inside the vest, it gives a bit of an hourglass look, and who doesn’t WANT THAT!

  20. Love that colour combination of goldenrod and blue (not just blue…..Cerulean blue 😉 ) That scarf vest is so chic and a great way to expand the wardrobe, I’m going to try it with my 84″ scarves- hoping as a 2+ carat “Diamond” they fit (fingers crossed. Can’t wait to see tomorrows spring fashions 🙂

  21. love this and what a great idea for something so simple to switch up your outfit!!

  22. Well I hope Spring arrives and sticks around! Snow melted and now they are talking about a winter weather advisory here in SE Michigan! Oh the black and grey I am so tired of you too! Nice to see those bright colors! I use that scarf trick for a swimsuit cover up idea! And the “gurls” gets auto corrected every time! HA! Happy March, have a great day!

  23. I have that exact Vera Bradley scarf and can’t wait to try wearing it as a vest. Thanks for the great idea! Love your whole outfit today.

  24. Mary Theresa Fisher says:

    Thank you sooooo much for the “scarf vest” truck. I love it! I have a closet full of scarves and wear them like I do jewelry. Can’t wait to try it. Actually, I think I will attempt it this morning for my work day. Love your blog and enjoy your thoughts, stories, insights and recommendations. You are a breath of fresh air!

  25. Tania, you are RADIANT in this outfit!! The colors are gorgeous and look absolutely beautiful on you! I’m thinking, “Where is MY yellow shirt and darling scarf that can magically turn into the cutest vest EVER?!” I need to go shopping because I don’t have them in my closet! Lol! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!

  26. I have your pink and blue vest. LOVE the scarf. Again thank you so much for your blog. Waking up to your blog is a bright spot in this cloudy day!

    1. That picture is for an upcoming post. I had just forgot to take picture of the scarf, so I took them, after I had taken pictures of the outfit with the pink and blue. You got a preview:)

  27. I haven’t seen that scarf into vest trick — love it and can’t wait to try it!

  28. I like it very much!

  29. Love the Scarf idea too !! just love reading your blog! Thanks

  30. LOVE the scarf idea – I must try that. And you look fabulous in that outfit.

  31. Love the scarf tutorial. I will try with one of mine! If its not too personal to ask, how do you keep that fantastic body and lift in your hair? Looks like you have a lot of hair but it always looks great. Have you shared products before? Glad Spring has Sprung!!

    1. Connie, I only use shampoo and conditioner on my hair. I blow dry it, style it, then spray it with hair spray. I just have really, really thick hair. My stylist has to thin it every time she cuts its. If I ever figure out how to work the video part of my camera, I am going to do a video of my hair routine.

  32. Love the whole scarf idea. You always look great!

  33. Scarf as a vest? Whaaaat? Genius!! I love how you mix and match the pieces you have, I am trying to build my collection so I can do the same. What a steal on those shoes, I love what a bargain hunter you are! We’ve been about 90 degrees now for over 20 days here in AZ, ugh. So I’m dressing like it’s Summer.

  34. Looking great; nice combo of colors. Those jewel tones always brighten up our faces and attitude. I love wearing vests as completer pieces so the tip on making one out of a scarf is fabulous. Thanks.

  35. I just stumbled upon your blog last week and AM LOVING IT! Absolutely love your style from head to toe. You look Fabulous!

    1. I am so glad you have joined us Missy!

  36. Looks great! Love the colours while I am getting ready to head out to work in snowy, blowy Canada!

  37. I love this outfit on you! It’s definitely my favorite outfit that you’ve styled. I love the bright colors! Bright colors are perfect for spring and summer.
    I love the way you styled your scarf into a vest. Such a cute idea! I have several scarves and plan on trying this out.
    Great way to start out your spring series! 🙂

  38. Bobbi Olson says:

    I’m new to your blog. I love it. So nice to see your brave the bright colors. And I love the highlights in your hair. I really enjoy your daily notes. Have a great day!