Meeting Jesus Through SOAP

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Bar of SOAP with Jesus carved in it

I love sharing my faith with you each Sunday, but today I wanted to offer a fresh perspective. I’ve asked my sister to share her heart, and I hope her story blesses you as much as it has blessed me.

Over the years, I’ve been fortunate to have a wonderful group of Christian friends. Together, we’ve shared countless Bible studies and life moments. Recently, though, life has taken us to different parts of the world—one friend even moved to Thailand! Although we can’t meet in person anymore, we’ve found a beautiful way to stay connected and grow in our faith. It’s called SOAPing.

Here’s how it works: we choose a book of the Bible and go through it chapter by chapter. In our private group chat, we share Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer. This month, we’ve been studying Isaiah, and Chapter 46 has deeply resonated with me. Let me share my SOAP for this chapter with you.

S: Scripture
Isaiah 46:3-4 (NLT)
“Listen to me, descendants of Jacob,
all you who remain in Israel.
I have cared for you since you were born.
Yes, I carried you before you were born.
I will be your God throughout your lifetime—
until your hair is white with age.
I made you, and I will care for you.
I will carry you along and save you.”

O: Observation
In a culture that often glorifies youth and beauty, I find comfort in knowing that God cherishes us through every stage of life. He doesn’t abandon us when we lose our sharp vision, our hearing, or even our youthful figure. Instead, He continues to care for us and use us for His purposes. Think of Anna at 84, Moses in his 80s, or Abraham in his 70s—God’s work in their lives was far from over.

A: Application
As we age, it’s easy to feel like our best days are behind us, but that’s simply not true. Some of the most impactful people in my life have been seniors.

When I was in my 30s, I worked at a retirement community where I met Mr. Watson, a man in his 80s who led a Bible study for the residents. One day, he came into my office and asked about my faith. Although I had attended church my whole life, I saw God as a judge, just sitting in Heaven, thinking of all the reasons to keep me out. It seemed like He was waiting for me to fail, and I had plenty of failures to show for it.

When I confessed to Mr. Watson that I felt I could never be “good enough,” he replied, “If you can work your way to heaven, then Jesus died for nothing.” That simple truth hit me like a ton of bricks. For the first time, I understood that salvation wasn’t about my efforts—it was about Jesus’ finished work on the cross.

Instead of trying to clean myself up for God, I said “yes” to Jesus, and He began showing me how to walk in His ways. Mr. Watson wasn’t a pastor or a young evangelist. He was simply someone who loved Jesus and shared the Gospel with me. His faithfulness changed my life.

“I will be your God throughout your lifetime—
until your hair is white with age.
I made you, and I will care for you.
I will carry you along and save you.”

—Isaiah 46:4

This verse reminds me that God is with me now and forever. How does that change the way I approach my future, my retirement, or the later years of my life? How can I lean into this season and focus on living a life with Kingdom purpose?

P: Prayer
Lord, thank You for Your promise to walk with me every step of the way. I’m grateful that You can use me at every age. Please position my heart to be open to Your plans. I want the days I have left to be fruitful and impactful for Your Kingdom. I’m excited to continue this journey with You!

If you’re feeling like your age has limited you, take heart. The Lord is with you. He made you, He cares for you, and He will carry and save you. Your best days might just be ahead. ❤️

To GOD Goes The Glory!

Have A Blessed Day

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  1. Cynthia Elswick says:

    I going to try the “soaping” method of Bible study! Also, I adore the image of “Jesus soap” 🧼 washing away my sin.

  2. Beautiful! Inspirational!

  3. I love this idea for Bible study, meditating on a particular passage. Thank you.

  4. Kathy Moreno says:

    I love this soaping.. God bless you. I’m going to share this my friends.

  5. Lori Gorenflo says:

    Thanks for sharing your faith stories. SOAP is a great way to look deeper at scripture. I loved your post.

  6. Shawn Jones says:

    Love your story! This has blessed my life in such a big way today! Thank you!

  7. I just passed SOAP along to the other couples in our Bible study. Praise God for you for sharing this!

  8. Thank you, Tania and your sister, for sharing this. I love the SOAPing method, and the message that God is never done with us is just what I needed to hear today. He continues to care for us, no matter our age or stage of life.

  9. Jennifer H. says:

    Tania, This is wonderful. I love this new approach to Bible study–SOAPING–and appreciate so much your SIL sharing her thoughts on this with us.

  10. I really loved your sister’s scripture passage and words. This resonated with me as well. I think sometimes as seniors we get treated as less than but it’s wonderful to know we are still valued by God – who is the most important.

  11. Beldina Ochola says:

    That word of God is powerful
    I would like also to part of your group in studying the word of God
    I have realized when you study with others you check on each other,share ideas and you learn something new

  12. Yesterday devotion was wonderful it really hit home. Iam turning 70 soon and was feeling a bit sad. Your devotion was uplifting I always look forward to Sunday mornings.

  13. Paula Strickland says:

    Thank you for sharing this impactful study method. Taking a deeper dive into a scripture allows God to bless and excite me! even after reading and studying His word for 50+ years.
    This is an insightful reminder that, “Hear am I, Lord.” is applicable now matter my age or condition.

  14. Thank you for this post. I can relate as I turned 70 this year and it does make me feel old. It doesn’t matter if people think I don’t look it. I love the prayer.

  15. Jackie N. says:

    i have never heard of SOAPing until I read today’s post. Love it!

  16. Michele H. says:

    As someone planning to retire within the next 18 months (Lord willing), this hit home with me. What a wonderful way to stay connected through God’s Word!

  17. Oh my goodness, this brought tears to my eyes. We’re not used to hearing that we’ll still be loved and cherished even when we are very very old in this world, especially women. Thank you for this wonderful reminder from the book of Isaiah.

  18. A special post today, so glad you and your friends have a great connection.

  19. Thank you for the Amazon gift card Tania!
    I was the winner this week !
    Never have heard of SOAPING and appreciate you sharing

    1. I hope you find something fun to buy with the gift card.

  20. Hi Tania! I love your devotions on Sunday. They are so reverent! I have a question for you, your mother had a shoulder replacement. I was wondering how she’s doing. I’ve been told I need a shoulder replacement, so I was curious. Th ants!

    1. Susie, she is doing great. There are a couple of different types of shoulder surgeries, hers was a reversal.

  21. Pamela Johnson says:

    To God be the Glory!
    Your S.O.A.P. blessed my heart. I also use that method with my daily devotionals as well as with my Bible study. It is so helpful for me to break down God’s word and how I can use it in my daily life.

    Thanks so much for sharing.

  22. Melanie L Lisk says:

    Thank you for sharing…absolutely loved this!!!

  23. Good word. Thanks for sharing!

  24. Tania,
    What beautiful and encouraging reminder in Isaiah 46:3-4. God is with us always. I’ll remember to SOAP. 😀

  25. Bernadette says:

    Hi Tania, The ladies in our Bible studies become our forever friends. Thank you for sharing the meaning of Soaping

  26. I’ve just been told cancer is in four new locations.
    I am 83 and have been diagnosed three times with different types.
    The first resulted in two mastectomies. Lear for 3 years
    Then stage 4 lung metastasized to bone. Clear 18 months
    And now another.
    I am a 24/7 caregiver for my wonderful husband of 59 years.

    I have said before “it’s a win win. God can heal me or take me home.”

    Well I was getting a down feeling yesterday, my birthday.
    I was talking to God and just couldn’t find peace, until I went to my email and read this story. PTL…..thank you for posting. I am lifted again thru the gift of the Holy Spirit!

    Thank you🙏

    1. Shirley, your comment brought tears to my eyes. I love your attitude, and you are right that it is a win-win for you. You and your husband will be in my prayers tonight!

  27. This is such a great idea. Thanks for sharing. I learned a lot just from reading this. A different perspective on aging.

  28. Krista Prorok says:

    A beautiful story and very appropriate for the blog “Fifty is Not Old!”. Thanks for sharing!

  29. Debbie Brown says:

    I really enjoyed the sharing of Soaping. It wasn’t what I thought it would be. Every letter has so much meaning.
    Thank you for sharing!

  30. Kathleen O'Brien says:

    thank you for sharing this wonderful idea. and LOVE the passage you chose and wonderful story. what blessing today.

  31. Wonderful. Thank you for sharing “soaping” as I have never heard of it. Great way of using it. Live the JESUS bar of soap!

  32. Thank you, Tania, for this very inspirational post.
    May God bless you.

  33. Wright Toni says:

    I truly love this ! I needed to read this today and have a better understanding of my senior years !

  34. Thank you for sharing 💞 I look forward to your emails daily
    Peace to you.



  36. Love this and thank you for sharing!!💖

  37. I have never heard of SOAPING before. Thank you so much for sharing this with us! ❤️❤️❤️

  38. Susan Lindsay says:

    I loved your SOAP. As a nurse we chart using SOAP notes, but this is a refreshing way to use that tool. Makes the versus so much more impactful, especially when you need to hear that verse again and maybe again. Thank you

  39. Nancy mihas says:

    nearing 80, today’s post was so inspiring. thank you and praise God.

  40. Wonderful devotional. Your words of wisdom and truth resonated with me today. Thank you.

  41. So thankful you shared this beautiful message reminding us God uses us through all stages of our life. At 71 this was just what I needed today and touched my heart. Blessings❤️

  42. Beautiful, interesting message. Seems both you and your sister are quite gifted in sharing the word of God for our lives.
    Thank you.

  43. A wonderful message
    I needed this.
    I am 66 and starting my life over as a single women.
    Your message was what I needed to get me to thinking that my life is not over I am just beginning a new chapter.
    I saw a sweatshirt the other day with the following message on it.
    God is not through writing your life story so stop trying to steal the pen. Trust God.
    Both your message today and this saying is going to help to get it all together and stay strong.

    1. I love that message, it is soooo true!

  44. The message was perfect for me today, that God isn’t done with me yet. Thank you so much for sharing this. I love the SOAP idea. Blessings to you!

  45. Dixie Terrell says:

    I needed this timely reminder. I retired 1 1/2 years ago to care for my elderly parents. Recently it has taken a toll on my health and with the weariness and tiredness it is easy to think this is all that is left of my life. I know God is with me each day and HE will love and care for me through every stage of life.

    1. Dixie, you are not forgotten, and I know your parents are extremely grateful to you.

  46. Cynthia Elswick says:

    I going to try the “soaping” method of Bible study! Also, I adore the image of “Jesus soap” 🧼 washing away my sin.

  47. Diane Schexnyder says:

    That was wonderful! Thank you for sharing.

  48. This story touched me today, thank you for sharing.

  49. Well you certainly touched me today. The tears started pouring & I do not cry easily. Love your posts!❤️

  50. Such a good reminder that even in our older years we have value and God still has a plan for our lives.

  51. I loved this devotional. I am 75 and this really spoke to my heart today as I’m sure it has spoken to many others. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful story.

  52. Bonnie Kammeyer says:

    This was a beautiful and meaningful post. Thank you as I can share this with a prayer group I am in on facebook.

  53. Gay Craig says:

    Love this! I’m in my 50s and my white hair is coming in strong lately.

  54. Ginger Hiller says:

    Thank you to you and your sister for this! What a great reminder for me.

  55. Tania you always have wonderful messages each Sunday. I enjoy them. Thank you for allowing your Sister to share her faith too. I’m in my late 60’s now and I know my Heavenly Father is not finished using me yet. 🙏

  56. Thanks for sharing! I never heard of the SOAP method until now. Great way to study God’s word!

  57. I love this! Thank you so much for sharing.

  58. Thank you for sharing this beautiful message! Happy Sunday 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

  59. Tania, Thank you for this beautiful post!!! Yes The Lord is with us! We are blessed. SRB

  60. Michelle Williams says:

    thank you so much for sharing this … some days I wonder…

  61. Interesting, I had never heard of the term soaping before. Thank you.

  62. Patricia DeLong says:

    Beautifully written. Your words touched my heart. Thank you for sharing.

  63. I love this idea of SOAP
    Thank you for sharing.

  64. I really needed this today. At 73, I often feel “done”. Thank you for reminding me that God isn’t finished with me yet.

    1. Sharon, we are never “done” until the Lord says we are. 🥰

  65. Love your message today! It is very heartwarming and peaceful

  66. Well this made my morning! I often find myself looking in the mirror and wondering who that old person is or being in denial of the struggles with aches and pains ….
    This passage confirms to me that God is all loving and wants me to honor his love by striving to be my best self spiritually- mentally and physically.

    1. God doesn’t use a mirror, he looks at our heart. 😊

  67. At 68, I’ve been struggling with all that comes with age, and very often agonizing over lost looks, energy etc.,……….until now. That was wonderful inspiring, and, thankfully, grounding me with a new acceptance. Thank you and your sister so much!

  68. Cathy Carter says:

    I have never heard of the Soaping method before….. so inspiring and wonderful message today. Thank you Tania!

  69. Thank you so much for sharing this inspirational message…just what I needed today ❤️🙏🏻

  70. Lori Duncan says:

    Beautiful words! Thank you for sharing your sister’s heart with us!

  71. I love this.
    Thank you for sharing.

  72. What a beautiful story! Thank you for sharing.🥰

  73. Cheryl Kidwell says:

    Thank you for this post! I have struggled with studying the Bible on my own, and SOAPing will give me the direction I need. Blessings to you both!

  74. Cynthia Fisher says:

    Thank you for sharing

  75. Patt Dyal says:

    I love this message! It is desperately needed today in all of our lives. Thank you for sharing SOAPing. What a blessing to have these ladies in your spiritual journey.

  76. Wow, I really needed to hear this today. I’m almost 72, grateful to still be here and healthy. But I feel all this about aging and changing who I was and my looks .
    Thank you

  77. Karen Johnson says:

    Your sister’s reflection today is beautiful. And what a great way to keep in touch and encourage friends even if they live away

  78. Love this concept! Thank you!

  79. Beautiful reflection! My mom is turning 88 this year, and I think she needs reminding about Anna!

  80. Thank you to Lisa for sharing today! I, too, never heard of SOAPing, but will share with my study group.

    My sweet grandma died at the age of 97 a few years ago. One day she said, “Well, I can’t hear very well and my eyesight is shot, but thank God I can still sing his praises because when I can’t it will be time for me to go HOME.” She was a beautiful example of how to live until the day she left this earth. God bless you all as we age together!❤

    1. Amy, your grandma sounds like my grandmother. She lived to be 103, and loved to sing praises to the Lord at the top of her lungs.

  81. Johanna Davidson says:

    Hi Tania
    This was a great message and a new method for studying scripture for me, however, it really resonated and was familiar because back in the 80s when I became a nurse SOAP notes were how we assessed and took care of our patients. We wrote SOAP notes after our morning rounds….S for subjective; O for objective A for assessment and P for plan. 😁thank you!

  82. Wow! This spoke to me. So uplifting and reminds me even in my 60’s He’s not done using me. Thank you for sharing!

  83. Love this devotion. I am one of those with the white hair😊 but know God is always with me and will guide me through the years for His glory. Thank you for your continued witness!

  84. I know you are running your own business and love that it is woman driven!(You go GIRL)! But thank you for sharing your faith. Very refreshing! Keep up the great work that you do! Always looking forward to what you have to show and giving me hints on some new looks.

  85. Thank you for your story!

  86. Just what I needed in this season of life! Thank you so much for sharing!

    The SOAP method for studying has been such a blessing to me for the past few years.

  87. That was beautiful. I’ve written SOAP down in my gratitude/prayer journal. Please tell your sister thank you for sharing…I needed that today.

      1. Mariann Bastian says:

        I have felt like I’m drowning in self pity. Sooo dang lonely. I love the Lord. He’s my all and all. Thank you everyone who has responded to Tania sister story. Nothing like someone’s story to bring hope to a drowning person. My age has limited my friendships. Who wants to hang with a 88 yr old. Only other whiners. I need healthy friends. Because of u Tania I have meet quite a few. Vulnerable enough to share their hearts.

        1. Mariann, I am so glad that you are finding a community in this blog. I agree that I find inspiration for all the ladies sharing their hearts in the comments.

  88. Thank you for sharing. This is so encouraging and I needed it today! Thank you for SOAP! I love that concept! Thank you again!

  89. Michelle Calhoun says:

    Thank you for sharing this. Thankful that he speaks to us through different people and methods. And thankful that as I age HE can and will still use me.

  90. Pat Tenuta says:

    I love your Sharing Sundays, Tania. They always speak to my heart.
    Thank you so much for your inspirational messages!

  91. ❤️ this message! I haven’t heard of the SOAP method for studying scripture, will put this method into practice this week! Thanks!

  92. Dana Smithmier says:

    I love this so much🩷🙏

  93. Just what I needed to hear this morning, Tania. I will take SOAP with me today and try to remember this message tomorrow!

  94. I love SOAPing .. What a great idea and a lovely and inspirational message. You and your sister both have a God-given talent for writing and sharing the Gospel that is so beautiful and heartwarming. Thank you for sharing it with us. 💕

  95. You Sunday posts are my favorite! Thank you for telling us about SOAPing. Going to start doing. Great format!

  96. Kris brass says:

    Praise God for all his scripture. Keeps us alive.peace knowing he is always with us.

  97. Vickie Dudley says:

    I love this idea! Thank you for sharing this incredible way to study God’s word regardless of distance.

  98. Thank you for sharing this. This resonated with me. Have a beautiful blessed Christmas.

  99. Roni Snow says:

    I needed this today – thank you so much for sharing! 🙏🏼💕

  100. I really needed to hear that. I am 61 and sometimes feel like I am too old for somethings in my life. I now will look at things I feel are keeping from doing because I am older. Thank you for sharing, Have a Blessed Sunday.

  101. Beautiful. The best days are ahead of us if we trust, surrender and Believe in Him🙏🏼

  102. What a beautiful testimony as to how God can change a life through using someone like Mr. Watson, a man in his 80’s!
    I love hearing how God orchestrates these things in our lives to bring us to a place of surrender and understanding of His finished work of redemption.
    Thanks for sharing!

  103. Please tell your sister how much I enjoyed her sharing this message! I know I have told you before but thank you for ending in prayer! I go back and read them before bed during the week. Have a great week!🎄

  104. I’m currently reading Isaiah in my own Bible study. What comforting words he brings to us.

  105. This is such a timely message for me today. My mind has been filled with thoughts of what things I would have done differently in my 78 years and why I am not doing things I want to do. I am in a rut and need to trust God to put me on the right path.

  106. Debbie Leigh says:

    As a 75 year old woman of faith I found this post to be so impactful,
    comforting and eye opening! The most beautiful way to look at aging gracefully with faith and trust in God.
    I look forward to every one of your post. They are filled with insights,
    humor as well as shopping advice for every budget. I am thrilled to read this post today early in the morning of my oldest daughter’s birthday on December 8th, the feast of the Immaculate Conception. Thank you Tania. 🙏

  107. What a beautiful word from God and a great reminder that we can ALL be used by Him!!
    Thank your sister for me, I really needed to read that today:)

  108. Kimberley Norton says:

    This message is just what I needed. Thank you, Tania, for all that you do. Have a blessed week.

  109. Connie Nunn says:

    Beautiful words.
    Mr. Watson’s powerful statement was certainly a blessing for you and now for all of us. Thank you for sharing.

  110. Kathy Laweryson says:

    Thank you for this! SOAPing sounds like a great way to study school scripture, going to try it!

  111. Love this! Thanks for sharing.

  112. Love your Sundays. I too had someone to open my eyes. I had been going to the “Y” for years, and one day an older gentleman asked me was I being good (it was close to Christmas) and I told him in my prayers every night I ask God to help make me a better person because I felt I failed each day. The gentleman looked at me and said “You already have from God what you need to be a better person, now just use it”” ” He gave it to you when you were saved” I have never forgetton this and also remember this old gentleman in my prayers for opening my eyes. God Bless and he does!

    1. That gentleman was so wise, and I’m sure he would feel honored that you still remember him.

  113. Great message, thanks

  114. Phyllis Martin says:

    Thank you for sharing! As I age I realize more and more that I can’t do some things I used to do with ease. But God is still at work even in my health problems. Sometimes to use them in the lives of my family. The bottom line is , GOD IS ALWAYS AT WORK ALL THE TIME IN EVERY STAGE OF OUR LIFE.

  115. Rosanne Ryan says:

    Thank you so much for sharing your SOAP story! That verse resonates through my head and heart! I just turned 70 and think this age has bothered me much more that turning 40, 50 or 60!
    I have been feeling like I am on the downhill slide of my life. I have reflected on that verse today, I see that God will be with me as my hair turns white and will have ways I can continue to serve him and my fellow man! Thanks so much for sharing! Rosanne Ryan

    1. I’ve always said that age was just a number. A lot of aging is what we think in our mind. I’ve known ladies in the 40s who looked and acted like they were 80, and some ladies in their 80’s still act like they are in their 40s.

  116. Debbie Deel says:

    I love this Tanya!❤️❤️

  117. Didn’t you mean to type, “If you CAN’T work your way to Heaven……”???

    1. No, what it means is that if you “could” get to Heaven all on your own, then Jesus wouldn’t of had to die on the cross for our sins.