Let His Light Shine Through You in the New Year
Let His Light Shine Through You
The other night, I went outside with Lucy Lu, my dog, so she could use the bathroom. It was one of those cold, crisp nights where the stars were scattered across the sky, twinkling brightly. The beauty of the night caught me off guard.
I turned on my flashlight to scan the yard for any predators, and that’s when I saw something that took my breath away. The frost-covered grass sparkled under the light, shimmering like diamonds. It was stunning, but it struck me how plain and ordinary the grass looked without the light shining on it. Without the light, it was just frozen grass. But with the light? It was extraordinary.
We’re Ordinary Without the Light of Jesus
As I stood there admiring the view, I couldn’t help but think about how much this mirrors our lives. Without the light of Jesus shining on us, we’re just plain and ordinary—like that frost in the dark. But when His light shines on us, we sparkle and reflect His glory, and others can see Him through us.
Matthew 5:14-16 (NIV):
“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”
The beauty we reflect isn’t our own; it comes from Him. When we allow His light to shine through us—through our words, our actions, and the way we treat others—people don’t just see us; they see Jesus.
Looking Ahead to a New Year
As this year comes to an end, it’s a natural time to reflect on how we’ve let Jesus’ light shine through us in 2024. Have we been the kind of people who reflect His love and kindness? Have we shown patience, grace, and forgiveness to others?
I’ll be honest—late-night reflections like this remind me of areas where I could do better. It’s easy to let the busyness of life dim our light. But with the New Year approaching, we have a fresh opportunity to let His light shine brighter than ever.
2 Corinthians 4:6 (NIV):
“For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ.”
Let’s make 2025 the year where we become better conduits for Jesus. A conduit doesn’t generate the light; it allows the light to flow through it freely. That’s all Jesus asks of us—to let His love and grace flow through us so others can see Him.
Becoming a Conduit for His Light
Here’s the thing about being a conduit: it’s not about striving or trying to shine brighter on our own. It’s about staying connected to the source—Jesus. When we remain in Him, His light naturally shines through us.
John 15:5 (NIV):
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”
So, as we step into 2025, let’s ask ourselves:
- How can I stay better connected to Jesus this year?
- What areas of my life need His light to shine?
- How can I reflect His light to others in my daily life?
To GOD Goes The Glory
Have A Blessed Day
Let’s End with a Prayer
Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Jesus, the Light of the World, to shine in our lives. We confess that, without Your light, we are plain and ordinary, but through You, we can reflect Your beauty and love. As we step into the New Year, help us to stay connected to You and become better conduits for Your light. Let Your love shine through us so brightly that others see You in everything we do. May 2025 be a year where we glorify You in all areas of our lives.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Thank you for this! The best moments catch us off guard!
loved the new years message, God shines through you for sure.
Iam new to your web page and love it,of all the sites I have been on I really like yours,maybe its my age but fun affordable fashion and all the bible quotes really start my day.Been in the beauty business all my life you fit my lifestyle,thank you ,keep on sending you beautiful lady,Angela
Thank you for this inspiring message to end 2024 and begin 2025!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us! May God bless you in 2025!
Love this message, exactly what we’ve been studying at church the past 4 weeks!
Beautiful thought and so true. May we shine with His light every day!
Amen! Well said. Thank you.
Thank you for this lovely message. We can all be the light to someone.
Just beautiful! Thank you🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻
Thank you! Blessings for God’s presence to surround you in 2025!🙏❤️
Thank you,Tania. May you and your family receive the blessing of His presence in your lives in the coming year🙏
Thank you, Joan.
Tania, your prayer lite up my heart and soul. Thank you.
Thank you for your beautiful message today. May you and your family have a wonderful New Year
A special Happy New Year to you. Thanks for your post today.
This brought tears to my eyes. I have been praying to become come of a light this year. In January I will be saved 20 years. I want to be feel as clean and new as I did that day!
Merry Christmas 🎄 and Happy New Year 🎆
I enjoyed the devotion very much. My Sunday School class discussed Psalm 119:105 today. It tells us that the light of God will guide us on our journey. That message connects with yours. It is my prayer for the new year that I shine my light for Christ brighter every day.
Happy New year Tania! I enjoy your sharing of Jesus as much if not more than your fashion insights! Both are so appreciated! Thank You for reflecting
the light of Christ to us .
Thank you for this. Our message from church today was about being loving and kind – it’s not always about YOU! Sometimes in today’s world we get lost in that way of thinking ! God bless you and your family Tania and have a great 2025!
I always look forward to your devotionals. God has given you a wonderful gift to see Him in every aspect of life.
Thank you for this Beautiful message! I hope you have a Blessed Wonderful New Year!
What a great idea to start the new year off!
Sorrry about that…spell check changing light to Ishtar in my initial post.
Great Word & so true! No better way than to step into 2025 allowing His Light to shine through us!
Blessings for 2025!
Great Word & so true! No better way than to step into 2025 allowing His
Ishtar to shine through us!
Blessings for 2025!
Thank you for the encouragement!
Tanya, this is lovely. Thank you.
A beautiful reminder to let our light shine to the glory of God in 2025.
Very thought provoking and a good way to start the new year.
Tania, I may have replied one other time,…I can’t remember ( over 50), but I wanted you to know how much I enjoy your daily email. You are a beautiful person who has a true relationship with the LORD and family. Life doesn’t get any better than that. The beautiful clothes we wear with your suggestions are just the icing on the cake. Thank you for being YOU!
Thank you so much! 😘
Great uplifting message!!
Great lesson about shining with the light of Jesus
Thank you for this beautiful post. May you have a healthy and safe 2025.
Wonderful thoughts and words to begin a new year and beyond. Happy, healthy and holy New Year to all!
Love this illustration! It occurred to me while reading this that we also need to be open to God using us as a vessel through which to shine His light.
Every year I pick a word of the year on which to focus my faith. Actually, I believe God chooses my word and shows me until I get it. I was curious if you do the same. Last year’s WOTY was JOY. This year’s WOTY is HOPE.
I usually do pick a word. I haven’t found one yet, but I’m hoping it comes to me soon.
Wonderful, inspiring post! Let your light shine!
So enjoyed your post this morning. It was a great reminder and words of encouragement! Our world so needs Christ’s light shining through each one of us each and every day! Loved your example of the conduit. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and challenging us for the new year!
Such a meaningful post today. We all need these reminders.
Happy New Year to you and Joe.
Looking forward to your posts in 2025!
Thank you for this message.
Thank you for this reminder to be a light for Jesus.
Tania, this is so beautiful. You are a Beautiful writer. You inspire me every week in your blog to Let His Light Shine Through. Have a wonderful week. 😊
What a beautiful message to inspire us all! Thank you for shining the light of Jesus!
A brilliant Sunday post, Tania! Thank you!
What a beautiful reminder and a wonderful way to look forward to 2025!
I love this post this morning and agree with everything you said. It touched my heart and tears began rolling down my face. I’m like so many other people our age, having health issues. Thank you Tania for shinning God’s light it means so much. Have a Blessed day
The Lord was speaking to you in ways I never could. He puts thoughts and prayers into our hearts, knowing exactly what we need.
I just love your inspirational posts, Tania – thank you! Today’s reminded me of a quote by Edith Wharton: “There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”
AI then defined it -“This means that you can either be the source of light, actively creating positive change and inspiration (like a candle), or you can amplify and support the light created by others by reflecting it and helping it reach further (like a mirror) – essentially, you can either directly generate positive energy or help spread the positive energy created by others.” You are definitely a HUGE candle in my life! Blessings to you and yours for a sparkling diamond of a new year! xoxo
Thanks for this comment. It is so beautifully written. I love being a candle 🕯️
Hello Tania!
As I was riding my motorcycle yesterday in the quietness of my helmet, I was thinking of that very verse. … about not hiding the light under a bowl…but to let it shine.
Thank you for your beautiful Sunday posts…I always enjoy them.
It is funny the places that the Lord speaks to us. 🏍️
I always enjoy reading your post daily. 🙂
Your Sunday posts are some of my favorites! This one is beautiful and so is the prayer!
Thank you for shining your light so that others may see Jesus through you and what you do!
Oh GOD – help me be the brightest I can be-
Using self control – being more patient and loving deeper!
That is wonderful. To be able to shine as bright as we can. 🌟
Beautiful post! Your Sunday emails are my favorite! I want to start a daily devotional/ Bible study January 1st do you have any recommendations?
I don’t have one to recommend. I’m reading the Purpose Driven Life.
I have heard of that, gonna check it out. Happy New Year!
Amen to this post & your prayer!
how incredible are God’s gifts to us! Sparkling frost on grass, the stars, all of nature are things we take for granted if we don’t stop and pay attention to what’s around us. I’m trying to do more of that now, be more mindful. Thank you for this message today!
I tend to only slow down and notice when I’m out with Lucy.
What a wonderful message and picture!joan
Thank you for this post! May the light of Jesus shine brighter in all of us this year.
Beautiful reminder. Happy 2025.
Love this message, Tania. We can see simple things in a new light through Jesus. Wishing you and your family many blessings in the New Year. I am thankful for your messages this year about clothing and style, but most of all about faith. You always make me smile and think. I feel like I have a new friend. 😘🙏
I’m so glad you enjoy my Sunday posts.
Awesome post. Thank you!!!!
Beautifully said Tania!!! I automatically think of the song “This Little Light of Mine” that I learned when I was little and then I taught it to my three children when they were little. Blessing & Prayers for 2025