
Finding Our Way Back to the Father

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Technology is a wonderful thing! Thinking back to the days of family road trips, I remember when someone had to be the designated map reader. This person was in charge of keeping us on the right path and deciphering the map. It wasn’t easy, especially at night. And let’s be honest—folding that map back up was often more frustrating than finding the right road!

smartphone with map gps

When MapQuest came along, it felt like a miracle. Enter your destination, print the directions on a single page, and you are good to go. Even now, I sometimes print those directions as a backup in case of an emergency. Speaking of GPS, isn’t it amazing that anyone with a smartphone can get real-time directions? If you make a wrong turn, it recalculates, keeping you on track. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we had this same technology guiding us in our life journey?

The truth is, we do. God’s guidance is like a divine GPS that recalculates each time we stray, gently guiding us back toward Him. And just as with any journey, there are times when we go off course. The parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15 reminds us of this all too well. This parable is like a GPS warning light—highlighting wrong turns and the opportunity to “recalculate.”

A Journey Off Course: The Prodigal Son

In Luke 15, Jesus shares the story of a wayward son who wanted to leave home and live life on his own terms. He took his inheritance from his father and squandered it on wild living. He made a series of choices that led him farther and farther off course.

Let’s be honest for a moment. It’s easy to look at this story and “tsk-tsk” over the son’s poor choices. But how many of us have made choices we’re not proud of once free from parental supervision? It’s all too easy to fall into behaviors and situations that, in hindsight, we know are wrong.

When the son’s money ran out, he had no choice but to find work. He ended up feeding pigs—a humiliating job for a young man who had once been so privileged. Not only was he reduced to feeding pigs, but he was so hungry that he longed to eat the pig’s food.

Luke 15:15-16 (NIV)
15 So he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs. 16 He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything.

The Decision to Turn Back

The wonderful thing about taking a wrong turn is that you always have the chance to recalculate and turn around. The Prodigal Son, at his lowest point, remembered how well even the servants were treated in his father’s house. He decided to return home, not as a son, but as a servant, believing that his father would at least let him work for food.

Luke 15:17-19 (NIV)
17 “When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! 18 I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. 19 I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired servants.’

The word “repent” literally means “to turn.” Deciding to turn back is the beginning of repentance. The son’s return to his father is an act of humility and repentance—a conscious choice to “turn around.”

A Father’s Unconditional Love

As the son made his way home, something beautiful happened. His father, who had been waiting and watching, saw him while he was still a long way off. Overwhelmed with compassion, the father ran to his son, wrapped his arms around him, and welcomed him home.

Luke 15:20 (NIV)
20 So he got up and went to his father. “But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.

Celebrating the Return

When the son returned, the father didn’t treat him as a servant but welcomed him as a beloved child. He dressed him in the finest robe, placed a ring on his finger, and prepared a grand feast to celebrate his return.

Each of us has taken the wrong path at some point. But the good news is, we don’t have to stay on that path. Like the Prodigal Son, we can turn back to our Father, who is always watching and waiting for us. When we decide to turn and repent, God meets us with open arms, ready to welcome us home.

No Wrong Turn Is Permanent

Just like a GPS that recalculates, God’s grace allows us to find our way back. Every wrong turn, every mistake, can lead us back to Him if we choose to turn around. No matter where we are or how far we’ve strayed, God sees us from a long way off, filled with compassion and ready to embrace us.

To GOD Goes The Glory!

Have A Blessed Day!

Let’s End with a Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank You for always watching and waiting for us, even when we take wrong turns. Help us to remember that no matter how far we wander, we can always turn back to You. Give us the courage to repent and choose Your path over our own. Thank You for running to meet us, for Your unconditional love, and for welcoming us back as Your beloved children. May we always find our way home to You.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.



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  1. Lorelei Almand says:

    Thank you for the message. I’m a scroll on by person! It is such a wonderful reminder that today I just wanted to say thank you! I very much enjoy your Sunday posts.

    1. Lorelei, I so glad you stopped your scroll and enjoyed the post!

  2. Wonderful and inspiring message. It is so comforting to know when we take the wrong paths, we can change and correct our path.

  3. That is such a uplifting post. I loved it so much. You are so good at interpreting these passages. And you are so good at finding a current life situation to relate to.

    1. I try to apply the verses I read in the Bible to my life. We aren’t fishermen and farmers, so making it relate to current times makes it easier for me to understand.

  4. Perfect timing! I’ve been struggling with an issue for a while. Time for u-turn and let Him lead the way!

  5. Roberta Schwandner says:

    Technology is great when it works. I find myself depending on Google maps to get somewhere and if it ever goes down when I’m using it I would be in a world of hurt!

  6. Another wonderful message!

  7. Thank you Tania! Another inspiring message & lovely prayer!🛐

  8. Judy Thompson says:

    Thank you for this, most definitely needed today.

  9. Linda Williams says:

    Thank you so much for this post. I needed to hear this today! Have a Great day!!

  10. Thanks again for sharing the special truth, we can correct a wrong turn in life when we ask for help. Blessings

  11. My goodness, Tania, this is an incredible post today. And incredibly timely, because of something that recently happened with someone I love dearly. I’ve had my own prodigal moments, but it’s also hard to watch those we love head down that path (as I am watching right now). I am thankful for His mercy which is new every morning, there is not a single soul who doesn’t need His grace and forgiveness.

  12. Ginger Hiller says:

    Thank you for this beautiful reminder! We are so truly blessed to have such a loving and forgiving Heavenly Father.

  13. Another well written devotion Tania.
    I automatically thought of God’s Amazing Grace when reading how God can place us back on the right path. Enjoy your Sunday.🍁

  14. Thank you. Always a good read 📚

  15. Hi Tania!
    That is so inspirational! Wow…I’m amazed at how you come up with such great posts every Sunday! ..this one’s amazing!
    Thank you!

  16. Thank you for another great message. Have a blessed week!

  17. I love this!!! AMEN ❤️🙏🏻❤️ Happy Sunday ❤️❤️❤️

  18. Thank you for this beautiful reminder of God’s love and forgiveness!

  19. oh, yes. I’ve thought of when I left home, and mistakes I made. God watched over me and even 50 years later I thank Him for keeping me safe back then. We have a very loving Father.

  20. Wonderful message today! We have all strayed away & made poor choices in our life. We have a Great God who will take us back with loving arms to wrap around us!! Thank you!!

  21. Jenniffer Groski says:

    This is such a powerful story and I love the message of repentance and forgiveness. I can also relate to the brother who is angry and resentful. I admit that I can have the that attitude as well. I’m so grateful that God forgives me when I repent from my selfish attitudes!

  22. Great post as always. Thank you for these Sunday messages

  23. Thank you for these Sunday messages

  24. Great message, as always. Thanks, Tania!

  25. Another beautiful Sunday message and reminder. Thank you for bringing these to us every Sunday morning.

  26. Great lesson and so very true!

  27. Thank you I love Mapquest!

  28. I love the prayer you ended with. Beautiful!

  29. Thank you so much for this beautiful reminder. Reading this has been a lovely way to begin my day.

  30. Amen! you always seem to match what I’m studying to teach in my kids Bible class or the application of it. thank you! To God be the glory ❤

  31. Beth Rutledge says:

    Thank you for sharing this! I can’t tell you how much I’ve needed to hear this!

  32. Simply beautiful!!! gods grace continues to amaze me❤️

  33. Jesus is our home and resting place! I am so thankful for this great reminder. Thank you for this lesson and prayer of repentance and acceptance.
    Many blessings,

  34. Phyllis Martin says:

    Praise the Lord for 2nd 3rd and…chances. Forgiveness is a beautiful thing.

    1. I’m so glad He extends grace to us when we mess up.

  35. Thank you this was a great reading on this Sunday. Now as always we r off to our church

  36. Kathy Laweryson says:

    very good analogy with the GPS – stop, recalculate, follow the right path with Jesus!

  37. Thank your for this wonderful reminder that God loves us and is ready to forgive us when we stray.

  38. Oh, how true! Thank you for this message.

    1. Great message as always!! Have a blessed day!