This post may contain affiliate links which won’t change your price but will share some commission. As an Amazon Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases. Some products might be gifted from brands.

I’m still stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey! We fixed waaaay more food than we needed, so there have been plenty of leftovers. As you can see, I didn’t get my dining room table, so we used two 6ft. tables and wedding chairs instead. It worked out fine for sitting, but we couldn’t bring any food to the table because it was so narrow. Both of my sons have already left, but I still have a few more days to spend with my daughter before she heads back to Alaska.

We cleaned up the tables, and then I started doing the dishes. The girls offered to help, but I told them that I would rather they decorate my Christmas tree instead. This was brilliant on my part since they did such a good job. My daughter entertained the kids and my two DIL’s did the decorating. They even enlisted my 6’4″ tall son to help with putting a few decorations at the top of the tree. He was COVERED in gold glitter by the time he got off the ladder. Lol!

Normally when I use a white flocked tree, I decorate with silver, white, and crystal ornaments. However, when I went to my house in Grundy to get my ornaments, gold was all I could find. So, we went with gold, and I think it still turned out great. I used to buy Christmas ornaments to sell at the lumber company, so most of these came from Raz Imports. You can buy Raz Imports from Amazon, Belk, or even eBay if you don’t have a local store that carries this line.

I spent Thanksgiving night shopping the Black Friday Sales. How many of you shopped these sales, and did you do it online or in-person this year? We ran by Walmart to pick up one of my purchases that shipped there instead of to my house, and it didn’t seem too overcrowded. The shipping was so fast that I’ve almost received everything that I ordered, so I’ve been extremely pleased so far.

I’m still doing a little more shopping, and since it is small business Saturday, I’m reminding you to think about the little guy. There are a few smaller boutiques that I purchase from throughout the year, but most of them don’t have links that I can give you. Also, I am a small business owner with my Rodan + Fields business, so I’ll link to my sales also.

Ten Most Popular Items

Mint Julep


Black Friday Specials

I’ve been getting a lot of questions about my skincare. Yes, I am still using Rodan + Fields, even though I’ve also tried to showcase a few other brands. Everyone doesn’t like Nordstrom, Chico’s, or Talbots, so I showcase a wide variety of retailers. That is the same thing that I’ve tried to do when it comes to skincare. However, “I” am using R+F, and I have since early 2016.

I am 61 years old; I’ve never had Botox, fillers, or cosmetic surgery of any kind. R+F is the first skincare I ever used where I could see a visible difference in my skin; that is why I became a consultant. If you are interested in trying what I use, then now would be a great time since “I,” not R+F, am having a Black Friday Special.

Lash Boost

My eyelashes get more comments than anything. I never had long lashes until I started using Lash Boost in Oct. 2016. It is my number one seller, and that is because the lashes speak for themselves. It is not my mascara since I am using one that only costs $4.99. Lash Boost is a clear serum that nourishes your lashes to give you longer-looking, thicker-looking, and younger-looking lashes. Results are guaranteed since R+F has a 60-day money-back guarantee on ALL of their products.

Lash Boost retails for $155, but when you purchase as my Preferred Customer (PC), the price will be $139. My special will be a reimbursement of $25, which is below my cost! To qualify for the discount from me, you MUST purchase as a PC.

If you purchase TWO Lash Boosts, one for you and one to give away, the discount will be $30 each.

Total RF Serum

I’ve been quiet about the latest RF product, Total RF Serum because I wanted to try it out for myself before talking about it. I challenged myself to a 60 day routine of using my AMP MD roller with my Redefine Regimen and Total RF Serum. So many of you have been commenting that I look younger or that I am glowing, so I think my experiment is definitely working!!!

Right now, you can purchase a regimen with the Total RF Serum and get a discount from R+F. However, I want to sweeten the pot. Purchase a regimen/Total RF bundle and get a reimbursement from me of $50!!! Add the AMP MD System to your order, and the reimbursement will be $65 instead of $50.

Active Hydration Serum + Multi-Function Eyecream

Active Hydration Serum and Redefine Multi-Function Eyecream are two products I use 2x a day, and I won’t skip them. Purchase these two favorites, and I’ll reimburse you $30, once again, which is below my cost.


Here is how you order.

Go to my website and pick your products
Put them in your cart and go to checkout
Fill out your billing and shipping info and hit the SUBMIT ORDER button.

This special is running through the end of the month, so reimbursement checks won’t go out until the month is over. 

Thanksgiving Meal Products

This week’s winner of the $100 Amazon gift certificate is Cheryl Sampson. Be sure to subscribe to my email list and leave a comment to be entered into next week’s giveaway for an Amazon $100 gift card. Because I have several sponsored posts next week, the winner will be announced in the email that goes out on Monday. Leaving a comment on sponsored posts will get you entered TWICE!

PLEASE remember to pin my post on Pinterest.

Every time you SHARE my posts on Facebook or Instagram, it helps other ladies who might be style challenged to find my blog. Thanks so much for following me on my blog.

Be sure to follow me on PinterestTwitterInstagramYouTube,  and Facebook.

Are You One of the GURLS?

You will get a daily email reminder from me alerting you when a new blog post has gone live. And, occasionally, a “special” email will hit your inbox, so watch for those!

To God Goes The Glory!

James 1:17

17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

50 Is Not Old partners with affiliate platforms where commission may be earned based on clicks and or purchases, and I would love it if you decided to use the links above! Affiliate links help bloggers like me to fund the free content that we provide on our blogs.


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  1. Beautiful family!
    Funny side note: our family always debates on if you are supposed to take the plastic wrap off of the lamp shades or leave them on!? ( like the one to the left in your picture) 😂🤔🤷🏻‍♀️😀

  2. Christine Clementi says:

    You and I were “twinning” on Thanksgiving Day! I was hosting 16 guests, so I wanted to be comfortable. Thank you for the outfit recommendation. I love it!

    I am also a Rodan + Fields Consultant. Like you, I have found that R+F is the only skincare that has made a visible difference to my skin.

  3. Tammy Gravis says:

    Beautiful family!

  4. Hi Tania,
    What a nice looking family! I really like your blog and your sense of style. You’ve given me many good ideas with the outfits you put together. Thank you for all of the work you do. Each day, I look forward to seeing what you’ve styled and reading your comments.
    Wishing you very happy holidays!

  5. Ooooh! Your tree is gorgeous,…thanks for sharing the ornaments origins! I love your idea for getting your tree decorated—hahaha! Merry Christmas to you and yours….

  6. I think your tree is beautiful. Excellent job by your daughters.

  7. Beautiful family photo Tania 🌻

  8. Ginger Hiller says:

    Your tree is beautiful! What a nice looking family and the table setting is so pretty. I’m not doing my shopping because all of our gifts have been bought and are waiting to be wrapped.

  9. Beautiful family pictures! I love your table setting!!

  10. Family and tree are gorgeous! I got a prelit flocked tree for the first time this year. Got it about 2 weeks ago so I could have it decorated by Thanksgiving. My son had Thanksgiving this year or I probably would have decorated it after. I decided to go with red, white and silver with cane can ribbon and decor. Turned out great with a touch of whimsy!! Love your blog, always learning something new from you! Happy holidays from Lancaster, PA

  11. Holly Pickering says:

    Your tree turned out beautiful! Love the gold!

  12. Your family is lovely. I know you so enjoyed having them with you. And, what could be better than having your tree all done?!

  13. Your DIL with the dark hair is lovely. She has such a bright smile and beautiful skin.

  14. Tania, I love your style and I enjoy reading about you and your family.

  15. Lou Ann Kelly says:

    Tania, my name is Lou Ann and I live in Charleston, SC. I have been following you for 3 years now and have never sent an email or put a post on your blog. 3 years ago I joined StitchFix and they asked me what my style was and I sent them 10-15 pictures of you and your outfits:). They never got it right!! I also get your daily emails at around 1:02-1:15 am and the FIRST thing I do when I wake up is to grab my phone off the nightstand and look at your blog. I can tell you that I have spent ALOT of money because of you!!! My daughter was pregnant last year with our first grandbaby and she lives in San Diego which is 3 hours behind the East Coast. I would look at your blog EVERY night before I went to bed. The bottom line is I love looking at your clothes and your style BUT I love reading your funny remarks, your Bible quotes and I enjoy getting to know you and your family!
    The reason I am finally emailing you is because I want to order some of your R+F. I want the lash boost and I want to ask you what you have for me just to TRY some of the skin care? Is there a sample package? I have been using Mary Kay for 25 years and I usually don’t stray from them. I am almost 59 and I am happy that I get many compliments on my skin. I don’t have a lot of wrinkles, like you, I have never had any work done (Botox, Fillers, etc). I have noticed in the last few months that I am getting bags under my eyes and it is driving me crazy! Haha Do you have a product for that?
    Anyway, I just wanted to say HI. You look like and remind me so much of my BFF. Joe reminds me of my husband..Your post on him makes me LOL because almost everything he does reminds me so much of my husband Dean.
    Have a great weekend! I look forward to your response.

  16. Genius way to get your tree decorated so beautifully! You will think of all the love that went into the decorating every time you look at it. What a blessing to have such a family. Enjoy the season!

  17. I know you were happy to have all of your family together. Beautiful family!

  18. Cheryl Sampson says:

    What a wonderful group. Traveled back from my son’s yesterday-enjoyed being with family.

  19. You have a beautiful family. You are so blessed.The tree is so pretty. enjoy your weekend!

  20. Anne-Marie Brunet says:

    Gosh your tree is stunning!!

  21. Your tree is gorgeous! Lucky you to have such brilliant helpers.

  22. Joanne W. says:

    Tania, you have such a beautiful family! And your Christmas tree is gorgeous! Happy holidays.

  23. Trish Wagoner says:

    Looked like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Your family is beautiful

  24. Vicki L Werley says:

    Very nice family. Your tree is beautiful.

  25. What a beautiful family you have and that is a great idea for getting your tree decorated 😊

  26. JANE GREENMAN says:

    Love the tree!

  27. Sandra Cavalier says:

    Love your tree🌲🌲

  28. So wonderful to see your beautiful family! How great that you could all be together! Your tree is fabulous, they did a great job! Enjoy and thanks for sharing with us!!!

  29. Loved seeing your family!

  30. Janice Mitchell says:

    Love your tree!

  31. Brenda Young says:

    Love your Thanksgiving family pictures. Thank you for helping us to have a youthful attitude and a nice appearance while on a budget.

  32. Christine F says:

    OMG your tree turned out fabulous! I love it. Good job ladies! 🎄❤

  33. Diane Hance says:

    How nice you got to spend time with all of your family! Your tree looks fabulous! I was finally able to place an order for City Lips–Thanks for your prompt response.