I have a confession to make. When I decided to start posting on Sundays, it was not for YOUR benefit, it was for MINE. I felt lacking in almost every way spiritually. I thought that if I posted about my short comings, maybe that would encourage me to fix those problems. I figured it I was having issues, then maybe others were also.
I do not mean to sound “preachy”, I only want to be encouraging. Please don’t take my posts the wrong way. We have been studying The War Room as our Sunday school lesson for the past couple of weeks. I mentioned to my sister the other day that I needed to do better with devotionals at home. Making time for prayer, what to study, how to interpret what I read, etc.
To my surprise, I went to the mailbox Saturday and there was an envelope from Amazon. I figured it was something Joe had ordered, but it was for me. My sister had ordered me the book, Draw the Circle (The 40 Day Prayer Challenge) by Mark Batterson. My first reaction was, “I can’t beleive she did that for me, how sweet.” My second reaction was, ” I can’t believe she did that for me, now I have no excuse.”
Isn’t that how we really are? We talk a big game, but when it comes time to step up to the plate, we suddenly forget, or have excuses for not doing what we were supposed to do.
NO MORE EXCUSES! For the next 40 days I will be reading my book. I can only hope that I grow from this experience.
I hope you don’t mind being caught in the crossfire of my inadequacies. Maybe we can both grow closer to the Lord together.
Have a blessed Sunday.
Hi Tania, Just recently subscribed to your blog after following you on pinterest for some time and loving the chic style in your pins. I thought it quite a coincidence we share the same first name spelt the same way, most of the other Tania’s I know spell their name with a “Y” instead of an “I”. Really love the blog it’s so uplifting and inspiring, Thanks so much. Tania
Great to meet another Tania. I tell people to think about Tanya Tucker for how to pronounce the name. Lol!
Great to meet another Tania. I tell people to think about Tanya Tucker for how to pronounce the name. Lol!
Love, love, love that blue dress and you and your blog!!! Thank you for being “real” and beautiful and encouraging!
Tania, I love your honesty! How very much we struggle with those things that are best for us…prayer, dieting, exercise and so on. Thank you for being transparent. Your outfit is beautiful. I love that blue on you. Dang gurl! You are just so pretty! Great shot of the hubs too! – Amy
Not preachy at all! There’s not a person alive that doesn’t need encouragement in their walk with Christ. We are called to be a community for each other. (I may just order that book for myself.)
I have that book on my wishlist. I probably just need to buy it since I, also, need to get closer to God through the Word and prayer. Thank you for posting about it!
Not a bad idea at all! In all things secular, I find that if I post it online, I am much more apt to DO it, whatever IT is. 🙂
Tania, I am like Penny who commented earlier. First thing I do in the mornings is check my e-mails and do my puzzles on line. I promise myself to do better and I start off strong on every Monday morning but then I let other things get in the way as the week goes on. I am not very disciplined. I know this is just Satan working on me and my priorities. I am thinking about ordering the book too.
You look gorgeous today, “HI”, Joe.
I am with you ladies. The first thing I would do in the morning is check my site for comments, etc. I have made myself the last two mornings do my devotional before I turn on the computer. I hope I can go from having to make myself to WANTING to do the devotional first. Baby steps.
You look lovely. This blue really is a great color on you. The mister doesn’t look too shabby either. And it’s your blog, if someone doesn’t like or feel comfortable with what you write, they will hopefully just move on to somewhere that does.
The style and color of that dress looks fabulous on you!
Continue to share the book with us! Have a wonderful day gurl!
I just read this to my husband in our church parking lot as we leave our service. Religion, inspiration and fashion in one blog! Love!
I appreciate your honesty and openess. I think most of us struggle with being consistent with our devotions and prayer life. It takes self-discipline of which I have very little. I feel guilty spending time on Facebook and the Internet when I could be doing something more productive. I sometimes think that if I instead spent that time in the Word how much better off I would be. Thanks for the reminder and can I just say…what a good looking couple! I love you in that color!
I so appreciate your honesty, in everything you bring to this blog. I find myself struggling with setting aside alone time for God beyond my night time prayers. I think it’s so awesome how we can share this here, and support each other and get out own selves in check. Thanks Tania!
Please dont take this the wrong way, but I’m ashamed to say the first thing I read in the morning is your blog, which tells me my priorities are in the wrong place. I should be reading scriptures first, then your blog, thanks for the wake up call. I love the blue dress!
Hi there..thanks ro your blog I ordered Draw the Circle in hopes that I will learn how to pray and thank you for this blog.
I so appreciate your transparency! That’s what God wants from each of us—the honesty to admit we need His help to change. I highly recommend participating in a Bible study. I can’t say enough about Bible Study Fellowship because you will grow in this study. I am constantly amazed by how much I learn from the women in my group. The Holy Spirit gives different insights sometimes into the Scripture we are studying. There are so many facets to our God and He reveals Himself when His people come together to study His Word! Church was awesome this morning because the Presence of the Lord was so real. We were made to worship! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Think you for your honesty. Have a blessed Sunday!
Hmmmm… Well, since I’m always putting off introducing myself as a new follower of your blog – today was a great time to ‘step up to the plate’!! Thank you for keeping this 50+ year old in check by working my fashion sense and not just slipping away into the comfortable (boring) world of, ho-hum, whatever goes! I think it’s also time for a check on my spiritual guidance, so off to Amazon I go… Thank you also for your wise, welcoming and very witty style of writing, you’ve got a wonderful platform here and are using it in just the right way!
Prayer in all circumstances:) I loved this post. Tania, I look forward to your Sunday messages! Have you heard of Proverbs 31, it’s an awesome site filled with devotionals and blogs by different women and you can sign up to have devotionals emailed daily. Every day, with my morning coffee I have a little but of fashion (with your blog email) and a little bit of Jesus (with my Proverbs 31 email) Makes for a wonderful start to the day!!! Take Care!!
Thanks Chelsea. Karen also mentioned Proverbs 31, I am going to subscribe.
Please keep us updated on how you like the book!!
I have been enjoying a new bible study called First 5. It is an app for your phone or tablet that is from the Proverbs 31 ministry. It is a jump start to your morning. The idea is to start the first five minutes of your day with a scripture teaching, and it is taught by several wonderful young women who are bible teachers. Highly recommend you ladies check it out.
Thanks Karen, I am off to download the app.
What a beautiful post. I needed this. How kind you are to share your heart.
Just love your authentic sharing! Feel like I’m chatting with a friend over coffee! Have ordered the book for myself, mom and daughters. Thanks for keeping it real!
I hope you like the book, I will keep everyone updated on my progress in the book.?
Funny, because I began reading this post thinking I didn’t really want to read about faith on a fashion blog (btw, I am clergy, professionally a person of faith!), but I ended up loving your honesty. Thanks for the post and for wearing my very favorite color today!
This made me smile Maggie. My sister has told me she doesn’t like my Sunday post either. The funny thing is, she is way more spiritual than I am, and she is one of my inspirations of where I would like to be. Haha
Needed that nudge this morning. I am starting my vacation this week and I am putting buying a daily devotional on my to do list. I need this. Love the blue on you. Good picture of you and your husband. Thank you for opening up to all of us all of you.
Thank you for this post. While I love your fashion posts, inner beauty is what makes your–our– outer appearance really rock.
I’ll be joining you in challenging myself to make time for the most important relationship we could ever have. Love your openness! Hope you get what you seek. I know you are a blessing to me.
Thank you Mary!?
Mary, you are so right! Women who are walking with the Lord have a glow from inside out! My 78 year old mentor and pastor’s wife is gorgeous with her silver hair and wrinkles. You really see Jesus shining in her. She taught me so much and we should never become frumpy!
Wow – God is using you in so many ways! I hope you feel that in your heart. Beside inspiring those of us over 50 to our fashion game, you reminded me how often I find excuses for not doing what He wants me to do, too. I am going to order a copy of the book mentioned and incorporate it into my routine as I pray daily for strength to keep moving forward on my diet and not regain weight lost over a year and half Maintenance is not easy for me.
If you like to jot down inspiration like I do, I recommend “Quieting Your Heart: 6-Month Bible-Study Journal” and one of the new creative journaling Bibles that not only provide space in margins but areas to color. I recently bought a different translation “Inspire Bible NLT: The Bible for Creative Journaling” and enjoy incorporating it into my prayer time. Amazon has them all. “Praying in Color” is also a different approach, too.
Besides looking fantastic in the blue dress with your husband, your post is helpful to many of us today.
Thanks for the recommendations Audrey. I know the other gurls appreciate it as well.
Audrey, This book just came up in my Amazon feed. Can you tell me more about it and why you like it? Thanks!
Good reminder for all of us, especially me! Thanks?
Your blog is becoming one of my favorites! I came from cyndi spiveys blog.
I know I need to get on my knees daily! Thank you for sharing.
Your message is timely, but THAT DRESS! ? Looks fabulous on you!! Couldn’t love it more.
When we visited the US a couple of years ago, I was surprised at how many regular church goers there were. Australia, not so much except for the big events like Christmas, Easter, weddings, funerals. Your post has given me food dor thought. Thank you
Thank you Tania,
I need to stop with my excuses too.
Thank you for sharing a great pic of you and your Joe. I giggled when I first saw it, b/c I also place my hand in the same position as yours on your husband’s stomach. Haha, but my hand is on
my Timothys stomach… hahah…how weird