
You’ve Been Served With An Eviction Notice

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We have a couple of rental properties, and we’ve been so lucky to have had good renters. I’ve heard many horror stories about renters who destroyed property, didn’t pay the rent, and refused to vacate the premises. The landlord owns the property but doesn’t have the right to remove people without good cause. That usually involves litigation and the police; it can be months before anything is done.

Did you know that Mary Magdalene was sick when Jesus met her?

Luke 8:1-2

After this, Jesus traveled about from one town and village to another, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God. The Twelve were with him, and also some women who had been cured of evil spirits and diseases: Mary (called Magdalene) from whom seven demons had come out;

Mary was tormented by SEVEN demons or evil spirits. Can you even begin to imagine her anguish and torment on a daily basis? It would be bad enough to have one demon living in you causing havoc, but having seven must have been a total nightmare. It is no wonder Mary Magdalene became a devoted follower of Jesus after He cured her of the demons.

It was Mary’s body, and I doubt she invited the demons to live inside her. But, by herself, she couldn’t evict her demons, but with the help of Jesus Christ, she was cured.

The Bible doesn’t say what demons possessed Mary. I’ve heard lots of different versions of what the demons were, but since the Bible doesn’t mention them, there is no real way of knowing.

When I got to thinking about Mary, I started to think about the “demons” we all may have living in us. We don’t think of them as demons, but I was listening to a sermon talking about the spirit of Jezebelle. Since Jezebelle was a beautiful woman, I assumed that the spirit of Jezebelle was a siren or a seductress, but I think there was a lot more to it.

Demons and Spirits We Need to Evict

The Spirit of Discouragement. The word discouragement comes from the root word courage. The prefix dis- means “the opposite of.” So discouragement is the opposite of courage. When we are discouraged, we lose the motivation to press forward. The mountain seems too steep, the valley too dark, or the battle too fierce, and we lose the courage to continue.

Deuteronomy 31:8

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

The Spirit of Negativity. Negative people tend to focus on others people’s faults (or their own faults). They point out shortcomings with their comments, attitudes, and frowns.

“Two types of voices command your attention today. Negative ones fill your mind with doubt, bitterness, and fear. Positive ones purvey hope and strength. Which one will you choose to heed?” Max Lucado

Proverbs 12:18

18 The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

The Spirit of Comparison. Comparison opens the door for lies to steal our confidence and cause us to feel less than others. Social media has exasperated the situation since most people only tend to share the highlight reels of their lives. We watch others who have more money, a bigger house, a successful career, or a loving family, and we don’t feel we measure up.

Galatians 6:4-5

Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else, for each one should carry their own load.

We all have demons and evil spirits inside us, but like Mary Magdalene, Jesus can rid them from us. Jesus gave us all the authority to overcome the power of the enemy, not by our power, but by His.

Luke 10:19

19 I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.

Take a little time to evaluate what demons or spirits you might have, and then evict them in the name of Jesus. Kick those suckers to the curb; they do not need to be in your body. You don’t have to call a lawyer or the police or wait months to rid yourself of unwanted guests. Call on the Holy Spirit and ask HIM to guide you and show you what needs to be done. I know we will all feel much better and lighter, and be a devoted follower of Jesus after He cures us of “our” demons.

To GOD Goes The Glory!

Have a Blessed Day!

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  1. What a beautiful lesson for today! Thank you for your inspirational message to remind me to take time and evaluate the possibility of demons within and praying my Heavenly Father to remove them from me.

  2. Thank you for today’s post. You’ve taught me so much about Jesus. I look forward to reading you every morning.

  3. Thank you for this great message! So true!

  4. Well spoken! I’ve not thought of my insecurities and self-doubts as demons before but this opened my eyes and made me determined to throw out these thoughts that are not from the Lord!

  5. Lisa Tharp says:

    Amen!! God is Good!!

  6. Patt Dyal says:

    An awesome message! A extra special blessing on this gorgeous Fall Sunday!

  7. That was a wonderful Bible study and post of encouragement that we can conquer our demons. Thank you ❣️

  8. Right on the mark today! Thank you for such great reminders!

  9. Lisa Roberts says:

    Love today’s message. We all have our “demons”. Thanks be to God for His power to free us.

  10. Roeli Lutz says:

    Good message Tanis, God Bless you and your WHOLE family
    today and forever.

  11. Jacque Abell says:

    Angel network. The Choosen season 1 has a good episode about this. FREE download.

  12. Great message, needed the nudge.

  13. Patti McHugh says:

    Amen! Excellent message!

  14. Karen Nau says:

    Good morning, happy Sunday.
    Your words this morning reminded me of a Director, I had 30+ years ago. I was a young Mother and first year teacher, at a Presbyterian school. I being Catholic, my whole life, was never taught to pray out loud, unless it was in Mass with the entire congregation saying the same prayer. At this school, the teachers gathered each morning to pray out loud together, which was an incredible way to start our school day. My Director explained that it was our job as parents & teachers to discipline, but to teach a lesson when we did it. Just like Jesus taught his Disciples, because that is where the word began.
    So I looked up the words:
    Disciple (pronounced “dee-sigh-pull”) is a noun. It means an adherent and follower of a specific leader’s teaching. For example, in Christianity, Jesus had 12 such followers. Disciple can be a verb, as in to teach or make someone a student, but it’s not a common, popular usage.

    Discipline (pronounced “diss-uh-plihn”) has multiple meanings.

    As a noun, it can mean a school of thought or subject matter.
    As a noun, it can mean regular regimen intended to build good habits, good character, or both, for example, a drill.
    As a noun, it can mean punishing or reprimanding someone in order to get him/her to improve their behavior.
    The following story uses both words correctly:

    I am a dedicated disciple of Weight Watchers & Tania’s blogs. I appreciated the health and the self esteem that those disciplines have instilled in me, since I started three years ago. At first, I didn’t like changing my lifestyle or closet choices, but I stuck with it. As I lose weight and feel better in clothes, I am pleased with myself.

    Thank you for your constant reminders that I find in my inbox daily. I also have to discipline myself not to buy too many items, buy quality clothes and stay within my budget.


  15. Alexia Maben says:

    Thanks for encouraging words from the bible.

  16. Ginger Hiller says:

    What a great message for us! Thank you for sharing this with us.

  17. Patty Neal says:

    I love this! Very helpful. God bless you.

  18. Thank you for your Sunday posts. You give us food for thought……
    Enjoy your day!

  19. Mary Carol says:

    Thank you for sharing your inspirational words today Tania. Yes, we all have our demons. Prayer has helped me find peace. Keep up the great work.

  20. Joyce Ann says:

    Sometimes you don’t know what you need until it shows up in your inbox! Thank you so very much for following your true north and continuing to publish these Sunday editions of faith.


  21. Sandi Fadeley says:

    Thank you for this powerful message.

  22. WOW!! One of your better posts. It certainly gave me something to think about. I never considered my “bad” tendencies as something that could be evicted. I am working on doing just that! Thank you!

    1. We all have them, e just need to be aware o of them.

  23. Maureen M Paquette says:

    Your post always makes me smile! Thank You!

  24. Thank you Tanya! A very thought provoking post! I don’t know how you do all that you do, but I think your energizer bunny friend has met her match! Thank you for giving me something to smile about every morning!

    1. Nope, I can’t hold her a light. 🤣

  25. Deborah Leggett says:

    Thank you! I certainly needed to hear this today. Battling low self esteem is one of my biggest challenges.

  26. Elaine Cray says:

    Such a positive message for a Sunday morning!! We often think we are not worthy of redemption, but God does! Have a blessed Sunday😊

  27. Such a good word from scripture today. I find myself struggling with these things. I have to redirect my mind to the truth of Gods Word

  28. Jenniffer Groski says:

    What an amazing Word God has given you today!! Those spirits are very real and can cause me to live a life separated from God. I pray for the spirit of gratefulness today!

  29. Mary Magdalene’s story is a true testament of Jesus’ love for us and he never turns his back on anyone. He is a merciful God.

  30. I enjoy all your Sunday devotions but this is my new favorite! Noteworthy words of advice and Godly counsel. Thank you for posting, and praise God for His power to deliver us!

    1. I’m glad you enjoy my Sunday posts. 😊

  31. Good well thought out comments this Sunday morning. I haven’t thought of these things as demons but there they are!

  32. Thank you for this. I needed it today. Have a wonderful Sunday. I thoroughly enjoy your weekday posts.

  33. Dana Smithmier says:

    This is my favorite Sunday post yet! Insightful🙏🙏

  34. What a good and needed word. Thank you!

  35. Sally Vonderscher says:

    Thank you for you fun fashion ideas and, especially, for sharing your faith with me. You are a blessing in my life.

  36. Cheryll Sampson says:

    What a great devotional today. You are always so encouraging with your words, and I appreciate your inspiration.

  37. Wow, the Lord used this devotion on eviction to pray to Him today to keep criticism, fear and discouragement far away from. I was putting myself really down a lot yesterday in front of others and also very discouraged and afraid about something I should do. Well I ignored discouragement and fearfulness yesterday by remembering Psalm 56:3 “What time I am afraid I will trust in you.” I did what I was suppose to do and everything went well ( really well) except I kept a critical spirit. Praise God that all I have to do, because I have already trusted Christ as my Savior, is to ask Him to be my refuge, my high tower, to place me in His tower so that my enemies will leave me! So I am going to start praying to Jesus to keep that critical spirit and fear which led me to discouragement away from me! And Christ will!!

    1. Diane, I’m honored that the Lord spoke to you through this post. We are our own worst enemy sometimes. 😞

  38. Tamela Skaggs says:

    Wonderful devotion before church this morning. Thank you for your Sunday posts.

  39. Such true words. Thanks.

  40. You have given us so much to think about today. Proverbs 12:18 is the scripture that my dear grandmother would recite often. Have a blessed day Tania.

  41. Great lesson today- thank you for sharing.

  42. Good morning
    Great topic, women go through so much and many trials. The Bible teaches us to stay encouraged and lean on Gods word.
    Thank you

  43. Ann Seely says:

    Thank you for these thoughts this morning.

  44. Leslie Bolgrin says:

    So happy your post was in my inbox this morning! This is the first thing I read to say and it gave me a new perspective on demons. I feel lifted!

    Have a blessed day Tania and get encouraging us over 50 gals!

  45. Fantastic post! Thank you for writing exactly what I needed today! Bless you 🙏