Why is Waiting On The Lord So Hard?

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Hey Gurls! Today, I want to talk about something that I think we all struggle with—waiting. Now, I’m not talking about waiting in line at the grocery store (though that can test anyone’s patience, ha!). I’m talking about waiting on the Lord. The Bible verse I’m reflecting on today is Psalms 27:14.

Psalms 27:14 NIV
14 Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.

Waiting is hard, isn’t it? We live in a world where everything is instant. Fast food, two-day shipping, and instant messaging have us conditioned to expect things right now. But that’s not how the Lord works. He has His own perfect timing, and sometimes, we’re asked to wait.

When It Feels Like Nothing Is Happening

I remember writing a post a while back called, “Don’t Quit, 41 Is Coming”. I shared the story of how we can feel like we’re in a holding pattern—stuck at verse 40 of our own story. You may feel like your prayers are unanswered, like you’re just treading water and not making any progress. But the truth is, we don’t always know what God is up to behind the scenes.

That’s why this verse, Psalms 27:14, is so powerful. It’s a reminder to wait on the Lord, even when it feels like nothing is happening. Gurls, waiting doesn’t mean that God has forgotten you or that He’s not working in your life. It just means that the answer, or the breakthrough, is coming in His timing, not ours.

Finding Strength in the Wait

Waiting requires strength and not just the physical kind! We need to be emotionally and spiritually strong, and let’s be real—it’s exhausting sometimes. I know how easy it is to feel worn out and wonder if God has heard your prayers. Trust me, I’ve been there, too. This is when I want to take things in my own hands, and I usually end up making a mess.

But Psalms 27:14 says, “Be strong and take heart.” That’s a call to stand firm, even when we feel like giving up. We might not be strong on our own, but we can find strength in the Lord. When we lean on Him, He gives us what we need to endure the wait. It’s in those moments of waiting that our faith grows deeper.

Why Does God Make Us Wait?

I’ll be the first to admit I don’t like waiting! But I’ve learned that sometimes, God makes us wait because He’s working on something better for us than we could ever imagine. I think back to times in my life when I was impatient and wanted to rush ahead of God’s plan. Looking back now, I can see why He asked me to wait. Hindsight is wonderful!

When we can’t see God at work, we think He has forgotten us, or worse, the answer is NO! But God’s delays are not His denials. There might be something He’s preparing in your heart, or maybe He’s preparing the right circumstances that you can’t see yet. Gurls, trust that His timing is perfect. He sees the big picture, and He knows exactly what you need, even when you don’t.

What Should We Do While We Wait?

So, if we’re supposed to wait, does that mean we sit around and do nothing? Not at all! Waiting on the Lord isn’t passive; it’s active. It means staying faithful in prayer, continuing to seek Him, and trusting that He will provide.

While you wait, keep doing what God has already called you to do. Keep loving your family, keep working hard, and keep growing in your relationship with Him. Waiting doesn’t mean giving up—it means pressing on, even when you don’t have all the answers yet.

Encouragement for the Wait

If you’re in a season of waiting right now, I want to encourage you to hang in there. It might feel like your prayers are bouncing off the ceiling, but they aren’t. God hears every single one. You are seen, you are loved, and God has not forgotten you.

Let’s End With A Prayer:

Heavenly Father,
We come to you today with hearts that are sometimes impatient. Lord, we know that waiting isn’t easy, but we trust that Your timing is perfect. Give us the strength to be strong and take heart as we wait on You. Help us find peace in the waiting and trust that You work in ways we cannot see. Lord, remind us that You have not forgotten us, and You hear every prayer we lift up to You. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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  1. Thank you for posting. What is hard about waiting for me is there are times when I get very depressed or discouraged because most of the time I only hear silence.

    I have had a dream of sharing God’s word, yet I see others doing what I want to do. My spiritual nature understands wait, but my flesh says “are not you as smart, as someone else?” Thinking about your posting I think my greatest struggle is having faith in something does not exist yet.


  2. Tania,
    Solid sharing of God’s scripture. Praise be the Lord! Now I look forward to 41.
    Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matt 19:26

  3. Pam Frank says:

    I started following you because of your fashion ideas. Now I have also begun to look forward what you share from God’s Word. Thank you

  4. Love it. Beautiful prayer. I’ve been there. Lately I’ve seen prayers answered that took a long time for people I love. It was better than expected. I try to instill that in my grandson. I tell him that God is not a genie. God sees the big picture and will answer according to his will because he’s a loving Father.

  5. sharon hixenbaugh says:

    I feel as if I am always waiting. Thank you for sharing

  6. Tania, thank you for these wide words! I love your prayer ♥️

  7. Beth Purcell says:

    You have the most timely messages for me! I love your Sunday posts. So realistic and exactly what I need. Thank you so much!!

  8. I feel like you wrote this just for me. I am making major life changes and nothing seems to be working out as I expected. It IS hard to wait! I have put it in God’s hands but saying it and not worrying are 2 different things. I am going to write this verse on a note so I can look at it everyday to remind myself to be patient. I’ll be coming back to this post as well. Thanks, Tania, and God bless you.

    1. Wouldn’t it be nice if things like this only happened when you were young? I sometimes feel like I’m too old to still be worrying about things.

      1. Thank you for this timely reminder to wait upon our God! I have been praying for quite some time (specific prayers)and have felt like they are bouncing off the ceiling! This is when I need to reflect on all the answered prayers and never loose hope!

  9. It is also helpful to remember “Thy will be done Lord”. What we are seeking may not be what God has in mind. His plan is always the best plan!!

  10. Tracey Morris says:

    I was just asking God today “when?” Thanks for the reminder.

  11. Tania, thanks for this powerful message of reassurance and hope!! It is just what I needed today and in the coming days as we wait on a specific answer to prayer! Bless you!!

  12. Lori Cook says:

    Waiting is the worst! Should remind us that we are human, but we keep thinking we can handle it on our own!

  13. Pam Bowling says:

    Great devotion and prayer, Tania. Thank you for being faithful

  14. Sherrie Tolbert says:

    Thank you for reminding us to be patient. This was perfect for me today .

  15. it’s certainly hard to wait

  16. Angela Allen says:

    Thank you for this timely message. We all need reminders of who is in control.
    Grace and peace to you.

  17. Thank you Tania, This was perfect!

  18. Thank you for this timely reminder. It is a message that was needed.
    Perfect timing is Gods way for us. His time is not the same as our time. A day to God could be weeks for us or even longer. We must stand fast.
    May I use this in my women group?

  19. Great message. It’s hard to wait for anything. But God is in control which we have to remember. He knows what we need. Your prayer at the end is something I need to pray again and remember. These Sunday messages are great. I look forward to them every week even if I don’t have time to respond.

  20. I have been in a season of waiting and I often try to take the pen from God’s hand as he writes my story. Yesterday I went to a Celebration of Life for a dear friend. An acquaintance shared with me about a big project she was part of where they ran into complications at every turn. In the end, it was a huge success story but it wasn’t written the way they originally envisioned it to be. As she shared this with me, she kept repeating “God is so good!” Indeed, he is. Thank you for sharing this beautiful message with us today.

    1. Judy, I know what you mean. I try to look at road blocks as God’s way of saying we are going in the wrong direction. It can be frustrating, but He knows best.

  21. Mary Anne Merritt says:

    Wonderful words that are very needed right now. 🙏🏼

  22. God is so good! Today your verse hit my heart!
    Thank God for giving her this verse to share!

  23. I’m thankful for being a follower of this blog…one of my reasons is you encourage our faith and walk with God…may He continue to bless you.
    Everyone needs reminders now and again.

  24. Thank you for your post today. So timely for me and relevant for all of us. I enjoy your blog and your messages on Sundays.

  25. Aimee Spencer says:

    Thank you Tania. I love David’s Psalms especially! His message in this verse 27:14 was so calming to me too.

    1. I think it is very calming, too!

  26. Ginger Hiller says:

    Thank you for this reminder, Tania!

  27. Alison Hollowell says:

    Wonderful message! My bible study group frequently discusses this very topic ☺️

  28. Tania, this was such a beautiful post! I especially loved the line, “Waiting on the Lord isn’t passive, it’s active.” Amen to that 🙏🏻 Thank you for being a true Sister in Christ! Happy Sunday 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

  29. Toni Wright says:

    Thank you so much for reminding us to be patient with prayers and believing. The reminder I needed on this beautiful Sunday.

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed the post.

  30. Nancy mihas says:

    what a wonderful post. sometimes we just need to be reminded that learning to trust God’s plan for us is in the works and we need to follow.

  31. Thank you for you encouraging words! Oh, how I needed them this morning!

  32. Great devotional and one that bears repeating often. Thank you!!

  33. Thank you for this good word to remind us of God’s faithfulness.

  34. Thank you for this post . It is exactly what I needed today. Moving from Indiana to South Carolina. Blessed by God that our house sold. Now waiting to find our new retirement hom we. Have a blessed day.

    1. Jeanne, this is exciting and scary.

  35. Brenda Summersgill says:

    His timing is perfect.

  36. Thank you for these Godly reminders. You have a beautiful ministry! Don’t give up or quit!!💕

  37. Karen Johnson says:

    Amen! We definitely don’t know the best way for ourselves but God does and he will work all things out for good in his time. Thank you Tania. Sunday is my favorite day for reading your posts!

  38. Such a great reminder that our God is perfect in every way and that He is in control. I constantly make lists and want to just check each thing off but life here on earth is not without its twists and turns. We need to learn to trust God, surrender fully and let Him take the wheel. After all, don’t they constantly say that women drivers are the worst!🤣

  39. Thank you for your obedience to our Lord. This post has so encouraged me. I feel, even though I know better, that He has forgotten about me at times. You have reminded me that He is working even though I can’t see it. Your Sunday posts are a blessing to me.

  40. Rebecca L says:

    thank you for this timely post. A reminder from God through you this morning ✝️

  41. Good message today .i always think there should be something I should be doing to help God, that I should be a major part of the request being fulfilled.

  42. Michele H. says:

    Wonderful word this morning! Thank you so much for being God’s vessel & sharing what He gives you with others!

  43. Thank you for this reminder, Tania.

  44. God bless you,thank you for a very calming post today. I need to be calm because I am waiting for some answers right now. I’m determined to let God handle it and He just had you remind me.

  45. Stephanie says:

    Thank you for your message. This is well timed for our family.

  46. Thank you. Always encouraged by your thoughts.

  47. Thank you so much, Tania for today’s lesson! I am in a season of waiting right now so this message is very timely. It always helps to read these reminders. 💕

  48. Gail Harrison says:

    Beautiful message! Thank you Tania! You are often a continued part of my morning devotions! May, God bless you and your family always!

  49. BEAUTIFUL 🙏🙏🙏

  50. Beth Cutler says:

    I enjoy your blog everyday ending with a quote from scripture. Your Sunday pieces are extra special…focusing on our spiritual journey. Many thanks.

  51. Your post today is a beautiful gift. Thank you.

  52. Thank you Tania, I needed this today.❤️🙏🏻 hope you have a wonderful Sunday!

  53. The theme of your post today is so spot on with what I’m currently going through in my efforts to look for another job. I’m thankful that I still have a job, but the environment is toxic, to put it mildly. I’m in this waiting mode while I continue to submit my applications. There are many times when I have felt frustrated and felt like my efforts are futile. Thank you for this encouraging reminder.

  54. Meta Guin says:

    I love your Sunday posts! I’m in a season of waiting. I had hip replacement on August 2. I was recovering but then had a fracture in my femur. I’m still off my feet! I can’t go upstairs and sleep in my own bed, I have to transfer to a wheelchair to get to the bathroom, and can’t put any weight on that leg. I go back to the doctor on Monday to see if it’s healing. I have visitors who come almost every day and spend time with me. Our frig stays stocked with food from our friends also. Our church family and others are taking care of us. Even my Yoga instructor came and spent the afternoon with me on Friday! I am so blessed! I feel bad about being impatient!

  55. Phyllis Martin says:

    I’ve had a season of waiting in a crisis. You are right, it is hard! The hardest thing I’ve ever had. But now I see how the Lord worked on my behalf as I cried out to HIM. Don’t get discouraged precious one. Your prayers never are wasted. Where there’s life there’s hope and HE is always draws near to those who draw near to HIM.

    1. Thank you so much, Ms. Tanja!!!
      This is exactly what I needed today! Right now I feel forgotten and not being heard. I always want “to help” God to speed things up…
      I also make a mess of things if I take matters in my own hands instead of waiting. Waiting is not easy when one is in a desperate Situation.
      Thank you again, for posting this!!

      1. I always want to help too. I don’t think there is anything wrong with doing what we can, it’s when we try to over rule the Lord’s plan that we get in trouble.

  56. Marty Anderson says:

    Tania, I love your devotionals. Your love for the Lord is beautiful and faithful. God will bless you as you continue to share His glory.
    Thank you.

  57. Oh, how I have felt this, yes in a season of waiting, it is difficult. But I trust the Lord will not forsake us. Amen.

  58. Beautiful Tania….and so true. I have had many “waiting seasons” in my life as we all have. I think of John Wallers song “While I Am Waiting”. Enjoy your SONday.

  59. Today’s message was perfect. We do become impatient but we must always stay faithful!